Why is Cardano Full of Weird Names?

Why is Cardano Full of Weird Names?


Charles Hoskinson is on a agreeableness offensive. In the countdown to this months’ summit in Miami, the IOHK architect is crisscrossing the world, from Africa to Athens and America. When I met him aftermost week, he seemed to accept spent added time in the air than he had on the ground.

Although he was was acquisitive to acquaint me about Cardano’s big milestones, and IOHK’s big blockchain projects in Ethiopia, I cut to the hunt to ask the absolute catechism on everyone’s mind:

Why does aggregate in Cardano accept such a awe-inspiring name?

I’m not the alone one allurement this question, which has additionally been discussed on Reddit, Twitter, Steemit and throughout the crypto-verse. Hackernoon adherent an absolute commodity to the assorted abstracts in the blockchain pantheon.

Cardano isn’t abandoned in this regard: VeThor sounds like article out of the Marvel Universe, and some tokens assume to accept gotten their names from a scrabble-bag. There’s a accepted quiz circulating on amusing media to see if you can acquaint the aberration amid a Pokemon and a basic currency.

But Cardano stands out for its bulky and abstruse names, and in the apple of cryptocurrency, that’s adage a lot. Not to acknowledgment the adversity it creates, for anyone aggravating to analysis the complexities of Orobo…. Ouroubor….. of the Cardano accord mechanism.

I’m not adage the Cardano aggregation is nerdy, but they assume to accomplish decisions application a twenty-sided die.

“We’re now trapped.”

Asked about the origins of the project’s nomenclature, Hoskinson responds as if he has heard these questions before.

“If I assassin a branding or business agency, they’d acquaint me ‘Oh God, what are you doing?’ Hoskinson chuckled. “They accept those lists like memorability, pronunciation, affluence to spell….every one of those categories we tend to fail.”

Part of the trend started accidentally. “This is what happens back you accept a arch scientist who’s Greek,” Hoskinson explained. “Aggelos Kiayias is from Athens, and he called Ouroboros. So for a wallet, we said let’s accord it a Greek name—we acclimated Daedalus, he’s the architect of the Labyrinth.”

After that, one Greek name led to another. “We’re now trapped in that allotment group,” Hoskinson said.

While the milestones are abundantly Greek, development teams are called afterwards acclaimed mathematicians— Hoskinson rattles off a continued account of algebraic luminaries, like a jailbait reciting the latest pop stars. Other milestones come from his admired poets.

Most of them were called to accomplish a point. Shelley, an accessible milestone, was called for the columnist of Ozymandias, a apologue of the futility of power.

 “Shelley is a admonition that aggregate you body has an conciseness about it,” he explains. “That’s the point of the banking system… No amount who’s in ascendancy or who has the ability today, at some point in the approaching that’s all activity to be charcoal in the dust.”

Incidentally, Percy Shelley’s arcane ability has back been eclipsed by that of his wife, who has yet to be adored in the Cardano Canon. That’s apparently for the best; we can calculation ourselves advantageous that the cryptocurrency was not called Frankenstein.

“What are you, Stanley Kubrick?”

However, Hoskinson did not abatement into the aforementioned allurement back it came to graphics. IOHK’s circuit-winged butterfly is a absolute pleasure, both to draw and to attending at, and the project’s added logos appearance agnate absorption to detail.

“My architecture administrator hates me,” Hoskinson admits. “We did over 240 iterations of one logo, afresh and afresh and again”— Hoskinson rapped the table emphatically. “He was so miserable, he said what are you, Stanley Kubrick?”

But, Hoskinson, said, he insisted on accepting the designs right. “If we don’t get this right, someone’s activity to boom it on their ass and we’re activity to own that for the blow of our lives,” Hoskinson told his designer.  “Guess what? It happened! And we were actual animated that we did 240 iterations and didn’t assuredly blister anyone’s skins.”

For Hoskinson, this is a assurance that Cardano is authoritative advance aback it comes to association growth. “You apperceive you’re accomplishing article appropriate aback bodies boom your logo on their back.”

Asked which would be the worst logo to get as a tattoo, he mused: “Certainly EOS. Or BitConnect.”

The columnist is invested in ADA, which is mentioned in this article.