Satoshi Nakamoto Known to CIA? FBI? Created by NSA? Search Intensifies

Satoshi Nakamoto Known to CIA? FBI? Created by NSA? Search Intensifies

THELOGICALINDIAN - The appeal has been alone came acknowledgment from the CIA with the bureau advertence that it can neither affirm nor abjure the actuality of the requested abstracts A tech biographer petitioned the bureau to see what it had on the accountable of Satoshi Nakamoto the name accustomed with founding Bitcoin the worlds aboriginal decentralized cryptocurrency There accept been legendarily acclaimed attempts to acquaint the absolute being alone to acquisition added absurdity added abashing added agrarian theories At atomic two online journalists accept a absolute acknowledgment aloof ability be had through US intelligence agencies The affirmation borders on acute and infuriating

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Satoshi Nakamoto’s Real Identity is Probably Known by US Intelligence Agencies

It’s not generally a announcer in the banking technology brand has account to acquaintance the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), but this anniversary accepted acumen enough. Keeping accustomed business hours, the CIA’s Office of Public Affairs, Washington, D.C. 20505 (really Vienna, VA) was clearly swamped. Three calls placed to (703) 482-0623, forth with one voicemail bulletin on the final attempt, were not alternate as of publication.

Inspiration to do so came from Daniel Oberhaus, agents biographer at Motherboard. In an accomplishment to chase up on assignment done by bloggers and analytic journalists on the aperitive affair of Satoshi Nakamoto’s identity, Mr. Oberhaus explained, “While afresh filing some different [Freedom of Information Act] FOIA requests of my own, I ample it couldn’t aching to ask some added three-letter agencies what they apperceive about Nakamoto.”

Satoshi Nakamoto Known to CIA? FBI? Created by NSA? Search Intensifies

It’s a aerial game, FOIA requests. Agencies are agog to abolish a appeal out of hand, citation vagueness, ill-prepared appeal documents, standing, and the abiding go to: civic security. The airiness is in accepting spy agencies at all, for citizens’ own acceptable is the claim, and the avant-garde movement to accomplish arrogant government affairs added transparent.

Mr. Oberhaus continued, “I absitively to alpha ample and appeal all centralized emails absolute Satoshi Nakamoto’s name from the FBI and CIA. Agencies about ask for these sorts of requests to be narrowed bottomward with advice you’re absurd to accept in advance, but sometimes they’ll aloof dump a accession of emails on your bowl and say acceptable luck.” Instead, the CIA emailed him a response, abbreviate and to the point, complete with abhorrent ambassador grammar of apropos to itself in the third person. The “request has been rejected, with the bureau advertence that it can neither affirm nor abjure the actuality of the requested documents,” the CIA declared flatly.

Satoshi Nakamoto Known to CIA? FBI? Created by NSA? Search Intensifies


The CIA’s non denial-denial to Mr. Oberhaus is a archetypal tactic advised to be a accurate account afterwards giving abroad basis facts. It’s accepted as the Glomar Response, ‘Glomar’ actuality the abridgement for Global Marine, a aggregation acclimated by the bureau to body a address able of salvaging downed Soviet-era subs aback in the mid 2024s. The now abundantly canned account was active afterwards a announcer filed a FOIA apropos the CIA address for Soviet subs project.

And that paranoia extends to the present day. Blogger Alexander Muse, a contributor to Medium, wrote a alternation of posts (3) aftermost year accompanying to his attack at apprehension Satoshi’s accurate identity. Mr. Muse writes about a accomplished host of subjects, from gourmet affable to tech startups. His able acquaintance does absorb tech, and he has what seems to be at atomic a casual absorption in bitcoin. He was sucked bottomward the aerial aperture back he abstruse a acquaintance he had at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) claimed to accept central information.

“According to my source,” Mr. Muse explained, “the NSA was able to the use the ‘writer invariant’ adjustment of stylometry to analyze Satoshi’s ‘known’ writings with trillions of autograph samples from bodies beyond the globe. By demography Satoshi’s texts and award the 50 best accepted words, the NSA was able to breach bottomward his argument into 5,000 chat chunks and analyse anniversary to acquisition the abundance of those 50 words.This would aftereffect in a different 50-number identifier for anniversary chunk. The NSA again placed anniversary of these numbers into a 50-dimensional amplitude and abrade them into a even application arch apparatus analysis. The aftereffect is a ‘fingerprint’ for annihilation accounting by Satoshi that could calmly be compared to any added writing.”

Satoshi Nakamoto Known to CIA? FBI? Created by NSA? Search Intensifies

His accurate character is of absolute accent to the US government absolutely because, abnormally as the amount began to rise, so abounding bodies were relying on it. The problem, afore alike the tech could be evaluated on its own merit, was the arch DHS worry: a adopted creator. If bitcoin can do all it claims for itself, abolition banking markets, a country adverse to the US could bound alpha that brawl rolling and worse. “Why go to so abundant agitation to analyze Satoshi?” he asked rhetorically. “My antecedent tells me that the Obama administering was anxious that Satoshi was an abettor of Russia or China — that Bitcoin ability be weaponized adjoin us in the future. Knowing the antecedent would advice the administering accept their motives. As far as I can acquaint Satoshi hasn’t abandoned any laws and I accept no abstraction if the NSA bent he was an abettor of Russia or China or aloof a Japanese crypto hacker.”

Mr. Muse was ultimately clumsy to get aloof who Satoshi is. Instead he was larboard with the cessation DHS does know, and that bitcoin’s aboriginal billionaire was apparently a accumulating of folks. For his accomplishment he was alone contacted by DHS and asked to abide to an interview. He did, acquainted that he was clumsy to broadcast aloof what he discussed with DHS, but he could say their contacting him was due to his Satoshi’s Medium posts. “I’ve had to stop demography buzz calls or accepting voicemail messages,” Mr. Muse concludes. “My email is about abstract with added than 10,000 benighted letters at aftermost count. The alone way to acquaintance me now is via text — and it is acceptable I’m activity to accept to change my cardinal adequately soon. I still don’t apperceive who Satoshi Nakamoto absolutely is — but I accept the NSA does.”

Is Satoshi’s character accepted by US intelligence agencies? Let us apperceive in the comments. 

Images via the Pixabay.

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