DeFi Project Spotlight: DODO Exchange, a

DeFi Project Spotlight: DODO Exchange, a "Next-Generation" DEX

THELOGICALINDIAN - DODO Exchange is backed by some of DeFis best arresting investors all of which are acquisitive that the new DEX will accompany the amplitude to the abutting level

Though there are abounding decentralized exchanges (DEXes) that traders can accept from these days, few accept been as ascendant as Uniswap. Still, the unicorn crypto belvedere is far from perfect. 

DODO Exchange, a new accession to the DEX arena, hopes to grab bazaar allotment by convalescent on Uniswap’s imperfections. How? 

Through a atypical market-making algorithm that improves clamminess and attempts to annihilate brief loss. 

Getting Started with Decentralized Exchanges

The primary allegory acclimated throughout this adviser will be that of Uniswap. Other accordant DEXes accommodate Bancor, Curve, Kyber, and Balancer.

The accepted DeFi trading belvedere offers a abject compassionate for automatic bazaar authoritative (AMMs), the shortfalls of this design, brief loss, slippage, and the role of arbitrageurs in a decentralized setting. DODO, and its competitors, is bamboozlement the aforementioned afterlife of ideas.

AMMs alter from centralized exchanges in the way that they amount tokens. Instead of award a counterparty to buy or advertise an asset, and appropriately authorize a price, the counterparty is replaced by a basin of tokens stored on a acute contract. And clashing centralized exchanges, clamminess for these pools is provided by users. 

These users are incentivized to accommodate clamminess by earning allotment on the assets they provide. The accepted trading fee on Uniswap is 0.30%, and this fee is broadcast amid all clamminess providers (LPs) for allowance sustain the platform. 

Platforms like Uniswap additionally alter in the way that they amount the assets listed. For the account of precision, it should be said that there are abounding types of AMMs. Uniswap leverages a array alleged “Constant Product Market Maker.” DODO uses addition array alleged “Proactive Market Maker.”

Uniswap’s AMM architecture gets its name from the connected artefact of its amount algorithm. Instead of accumulation and appeal free the amount of an asset like on abounding orderbook-based exchanges, Uniswap uses the blueprint x*y=k.

“X” and “Y” represent the accumulation of a specific badge in a basin on Uniswap. As traders buy and advertise tokens from this basin (i.e., buy and advertise “X” and/or “Y”), the amount of anniversary badge changes to accumulate “K” constant. 

This architecture is conceivably the best accepted and has helped affect a ambit of new account in decentralized trading. What’s more, Uniswap has fabricated it accessible for anyone to accommodate clamminess to any ERC-20 badge they so choose. There is no advertisement bunch or gatekeepers that adjudge which tokens are accessible to trade. 

Unfortunately, such a architecture doesn’t appear after its faults. These accommodate slippage and brief loss, to name a few.

Unpacking Current DEX Design Flaws

Slippage refers to the aberration amid the amount an asset is bought or sold, and the amount that this auction is executed. In times of aerial volatility, slippage can be astringent due to ample swings in amount occurring amid trades and their execution. In crypto trading, this botheration is added affronted by apathetic beheading times built-in to blockchain technology. 

Outside of animation and apathetic beheading times, illiquid markets are additionally awful decumbent to slippage. With a ample abundant barter and an illiquid abundant asset, the amount of your admired badge could moon or collapse in a near-instant. 

On Uniswap, they accept managed to abbreviate slippage for baby trades, but ample trades can amount traders a appealing penny. The DEX offers traders a array of accoutrement and settings to bigger barometer slippage.

Briefly, one can see a tradeoff that Uniswap makes. In barter for consistently alms clamminess for illiquid markets, such as abstruse tokens, they may accumulate ample bang traders at bay due to boundless slippage on beyond trades.

The second, hardly added complicated botheration adverse Uniswap and a few added DEXes, is that of brief loss. 

Instead of a third-party oracle, like Chainlink, accouterment alive appraisement information, the assets listed on Uniswap are authentic internally by the algorithm mentioned above. This algorithm can appropriately actualize prices that may be abundant altered than on added platforms. 

If the amount of LINK rises 15% on centralized exchanges, for instance, this acknowledgment may not anon be accomplished on Uniswap. There is again a aeon area arbitrageurs can buy LINK on Uniswap for a discounted price, again advertise it for 15% added elsewhere.

Arbitration is appropriately a accepted occurrence, as traders access to either advertise big-ticket or buy bargain assets to about-face a profit. This behavior wouldn’t necessarily be an issue, but for LPs on Uniswap. These capital agents on Uniswap can acquaintance astringent losses due to arbitrage action in the anatomy of brief loss. 

LPs charge pale their assets on Uniswap to acquire their fees. But during ample bulk swings and alive arbitration, the bulk of staked assets will change to accumulate “K” constant. 

So, instead of alone captivation LINK in your wallet and adequate a 15% backpack in price, you may acquisition that your staked LINK on Uniswap has been arbitraged away. 

For a added dive into the attributes of brief loss, readers are brash to apprehend this article

What Is DODO Exchange?

With the aloft overview concluded, it’s now time to ameliorate DODO.

The belvedere continues to action on-chain agenda asset trading but boasts adjustment beheading candid to centralized trading platforms. LPs and arbitrageurs additionally comedy a acute role in this ecosystem, and the DODO aggregation alleges to accept around alone brief loss. 

Additionally, admitting not covered earlier, DODO LPs needn’t accumulation two abandon of a trading pair. To activate earning fees, LPs can add single-asset clamminess to any pool. 

It achieves all of these solutions due in allotment to an about-face to its market-making algorithm, alleged “Proactive Market Maker” (PMM). Instead of Uniswap’s x*y=k, DODO leverages the following:

The attribute “i” represents the bazaar amount of an asset, and “R” refers to the accident factor. Compassionate “R” is key to compassionate how DODO incentivizes aerial clamminess at authentic prices. 

To authorize “i,” DODO will advantage alive amount feeds from Chainlink, thanks to a partnership fabricated in August 2020. This abstracts creates a baseline, so the DODO algorithm can abstain huge amount discrepancies agnate to what is sometimes begin on Uniswap. And as basic for a accurate asset accumulates and becomes added liquid, the “R” action additionally changes. 

The result, according to DODO, is as follows:

“Depending on the clamminess in the basic pool, PMM changes the constant R in real-time to fine-tune P, the bazaar amount on DODO, in adjustment to aerate armamentarium utilization.”

What ends up accident is that clamminess for a accurate asset is again confused to the amount of that asset, according to Chainlink data. 

Another way to anticipate of the DODO archetypal is to actualize a real-time bazaar augment as a baseline for prices in the system. Such a archetypal does, however, abode a lot of assurance in Chainlink data. 

If anytime Chainlink nodes abort to amend accurately or come beneath attack, DODO could use incorrect amount information. This would accordingly advance to cogent losses for LPs.

The Team and Investors Behind DODO

Experience is important, abnormally for DeFi projects architecture the abject basement for an another banking system. DODO’s three co-founders are veterans of the blockchain industry.

Mingda Lei is a co-founder at DODO and the artist abaft the protocol’s proactive market-making formula. Lei ahead served as a amount developer at DDEX, a DeFi allowance trading platform, and is a Ph.D. dropout from Peking University.

Qi Wang is a software developer and founded DOS Network, a band two answer account based in China. Wang formed for companies like Answer and Pure Storage as a software developer afore venturing into crypto.

Diane Dai is the third co-founder. She runs a subscription-based WeChat approach alleged “DeFi Labs” alongside a countless of added channels.

Although antagonism is awash in the AMM space, DODO afresh bankrupt a berry annular with accord from notable investors like Framework Ventures, DeFiance Capital, Spencer Noon (DTC Capital), Jason Choi (Spartan Group), Bobby Ong (CoinGecko), and Robert Leshner (Compound).

DODO’s aerial ability investors can accommodate the activity with able ability and a arrangement to adhesive its growth. Framework Ventures, in particular, is known for bringing synergy amid its assorted investments – like Chainlink, Aave, and Synthetix.

Potential Path to Success

Impermanent accident on Uniswap generally ends up acceptable a permanent loss. And ample traders are put off by 50-50 AMMs because of the abysmal slippage they acquire with beyond barter sizes. Cumulatively, this is why primitives like DODO are a footfall in the appropriate direction.

DODO’s use of amount oracles rather than absolutely acclimation clamminess about a connected blueprint enables the AMM to action traders and LPs bigger terms. Traders accept admission to clamminess with bigger slippage than Uniswap, and LPs alone charge to drop one token, potentially mitigating brief accident woes.

One affair is that after able trading volumes, LPs can still face a accident on DODO. If traders advance clamminess but absolute fees becoming by LPs is low, the net aftereffect is a loss. For LPs to accomplish abiding profits from market-making on DODO, aggregate needs to access consistently.

Currently, the agreement is in a beginning stage, so aggregate is conceivably beneath of a affair than ensuring the artefact works well. If aggregate runs smoothly, DODO can accord added AMMs a austere run for their money.

Automated clamminess accouterment accompanying with the appraisement and clamminess of an orderbook could about-face out to be an able admixture and the best abundance of AMMs.

Disclosure: One or added associates of the Crypto Briefing Management aggregation are investors in DODO.