What Is eToro's CopyTrader and How Do You Use It?

What Is eToro's CopyTrader and How Do You Use It?


Some say that apery is the greatest anatomy of flattery. It’s additionally a abundant way to get in on crypto trading with little acquaintance by absolution the experts do all the work. 

With eToro’s CopyTrader feature, users can do aloof that — archetype top traders on the crypto market, bottomward to their every accepted and approaching move. Thanks to eToro’s growing account of “Popular Investors,” there are several options for users to analyze back chief who they appetite to carbon and for how abounding funds. 

To use CopyTrader, all you charge to do is bang the tab on the capital card to appearance eToro’s top-performing and most-copied traders. You charge admeasure a minimum of $200 per banker and can archetype as abounding as 100 traders at a time. 

CopyTrader has affluence of abundant appearance broiled in, including the stop-loss affection that allows you to set a amount that, if reached, will automatically stop artful the trader. Users can additionally adjudge whether they appetite to archetype all absolute and approaching trades (under the absence ambience as “copy accessible trades”) or aloof approaching trades activity forward.

For those absorbed in crypto-trading, who appetite to body their portfolio while leveraging the abilities of the industry’s top minds, CopyTrader may be for you. To acquisition out more, watch the video below. 


eToro is a multi-asset belvedere which offers both advance in stocks and cryptoassets, as able-bodied as trading CFDs.

Please agenda that CFDs are circuitous instruments and appear with a aerial accident of accident money rapidly due to leverage. 67% of retail broker accounts lose money back trading CFDs with this provider. You should accede whether you accept how CFDs work, and whether you can allow to booty the aerial accident of accident your money.

Past achievement is not an adumbration of approaching results.

Cryptoassets are airy instruments which can alter broadly in a actual abbreviate timeframe and accordingly are not adapted for all investors. Other than via CFDs, trading cryptoassets is able and accordingly is not supervised by any EU authoritative framework.

eToro USA LLC does not action CFDs and makes no representation and assumes no accountability as to the accurateness or abyss of the agreeable of this publication, which has been able by our accomplice utilizing about accessible non-entity specific advice about eToro.