Blockchain: Money Conference, Interview With Moe Levin

Blockchain: Money Conference, Interview With Moe Levin

THELOGICALINDIAN - On November 67 Bitcoincom is captivation our Blockchain Money appointment in London Since we appear the accident we accept appear a aggregation of wellknown industry movers and shakerstospeak at the accident This includes developers from the Bitcoin and Blockchain mural and admiral from the accounts industry Additionally Blockchain Money is alms chargeless exhibition amplitude for earlystage startups to appearance off their articles and software

Also read:’s ‘Blockchain: Money’ Conference is Coming to London got calm with Blockchain: Money organizer Moe Levin to altercate the conference. Levin has a lot of acquaintance hosting conferences, and has organized abounding contest in the blockchain and fintech amplitude all over the globe. Blockchain: Money will be a apple chic event, Levin says, as he gave us the central beat on one of the hottest conferences in London this year.

Blockchain: Money ‘Taking the Technology from the Fringe to Mainstream’ (BC): Can you acquaint our readers about the Blockchain Money Conference?

Moe Levin (ML): Blockchain: Money is the aboriginal of its affectionate in London, and is a appointment which aims to booty blockchain technology from the binding to mainstream. We’ve got a world-class calendar of speakers and attendees all attractive to alleviate the all-inclusive abeyant of the blockchain.

BC: There will be a advanced arrangement of industry admiral and innovators speaking at the event. Can you acquaint us about some of the speakers attending?

ML: Sure. From an industry perspective, we are accomplishing two things. We are including the better names in acceptable finance, banking, and bunch corporations. That means, the CFO of Toyota, the Head of Securities at SWIFT, the Managing Director at Citi and more. On the added ancillary of the spectrum, we’re including the better disruptors and innovators in the apple of fintech. We’ve got the CEO of Bloq, Jeff Garzik, who’s additionally a amount developer on Bitcoin. The CEO of, CEO of Purse, CEO of Elliptic, and abundant more. This creates abounding befalling for the two altered networks to body abiding partnerships calm and move the chat forward.

BC: What is the atmosphere like at 155 Bishopsgate in London?

ML: Bishopsgate is a alternation of barrio anon abutting to Liverpool Station in the affection of London’s banking district. In the architecture are companies like Lloyds Banking Group, Norinchukin Bank, Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, and abounding others. Inside, the appointment centre is a massive accessible amplitude with affluence of allowance for the 500 accepted guests.

BC: Can you acquaint our readers about the chargeless exhibition amplitude for startups?

ML: Inside the appointment space, we will accept a appropriate Alpha and Beta area for early-stage startups attractive to accretion absorption and abound their network. Blockchain: Money, like all added conferences we create, offers opportunities for early-stage startups by way of chargeless adviser space, and chargeless tickets to any apprentice that wants to join. Back 2013 we’ve accustomed over 400 tickets to acceptance which accept back accelerating and gone on to actualize some amazing bitcoin and blockchain products.

BC: What does a appointment like Blockchain: Money action to enthusiasts and investors?

ML: These are, in my mind, two abstracted groups. For enthusiasts, this is the absolute appointment to see old friends, actualize new relationships, and assignment on circuitous deals together. The networking contest and opportunities at our contest are unparalleled.

For investors, we advertise the best arising aptitude globally by way of adviser amplitude and accept the best absorbing innovators on date for keynote speeches and panels. We’ve been amenable for some of the better deals in the amplitude and are blessed to advice investors get in on clandestine deals alone begin at our conferences.

BC: You’ve organized abounding conferences and events. Can you acquaint our readers about some of the acknowledged contest you’ve hosted in the past?

ML: Since 2024 I’ve been acclimation bitcoin and blockchain conferences about the world. A continued time accepter in bitcoin, I accustomed aboriginal on that there were far too few contest area the online association could get calm and body alike stronger relationships together. From Amsterdam to Miami, Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami again, Dubai and London, I’ve created a all-around appointment aggregation which helps brainwash and accompany agreeing bodies calm in the aims of a bigger and added affable future.

BC: What would you say the all-embracing mission of’s Blockchain: Money Conference is?

ML: One of the big aims of this appointment was to advice set the administration for blockchain / bitcoin’s abreast future, and I can’t brainstorm a bigger accumulation of bodies to accredit that. With the advice of actual accomplished and accomplished speakers and panelists, I anticipate we will accomplish some advance in defining the better teething credibility that are inhibiting advance and accomplish some accomplish against advantageous these with new technologies and a added unified approach.

Thank you, Moe, for giving us a glimpse of what to apprehend during the Blockchain: Money conference. We attending advanced to seeing the abundant calendar of speakers and exhibits. is appreciative to authority an industry accident that brings bodies calm from all walks of activity through apprenticeship and networking.

Will you be accessory’s Blockchain: Money Conference? Let us apperceive in the comments below.  

Images address of and Moe Levin