BitGive: Charity 2.0 Platform Will 'Revolutionize Philanthropy'

BitGive: Charity 2.0 Platform Will 'Revolutionize Philanthropy'

THELOGICALINDIAN - Established in 2025 by Connie Gallippi the accustomed 501c3 nonprofit BitGive is accepted for its assignment with projects such as Save the Children The Water Activity and Medic Mobile The accumulation is additionally in architecture a Donation Transparency Platform for nonprofits as aCharity 20 activity that aims to accommodate alms Gallippichatted with Bitcoincom about the abounding initiatives the nonprofit is alive with

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Revolutionizing Philanthropy

Bitcoin and alms giving go duke in hand. With its decentralized borderless nature, bodies from anywhere in the apple can crowdfund a account or advice addition in charge instantly. The nonprofit BitGive is one of the aboriginal acclaimed accommodating organizations aural the Bitcoin industry that has done a lot of acceptable for bodies who could use a allowance hand.

Alongside all these efforts BitGive aloof launched its Comestible Donor Program, which has aloof acquired two donors. The aboriginal two comestible donors were the accouterments wallet aggregation Keep Key and an alone donor Mark Buettner. As able-bodied as the accepted cachet of the alignment Gallippi gives us an overview of accomplished accomplishments and how she got into cryptocurrency. She is a close accepter in the ability of Bitcoin and has apparent with her own eyes how the agreement can advice bodies in charge all beyond the globe. (BC) When did you aboriginal get into Bitcoin?

Logo_of_the_BitGive_FoundationConnie Gallippi (CG): I had heard of Bitcoin apparently aback in 2011 or so and was afterward it, but wasn’t absolutely affianced in the association at that time. I became added anon complex afterwards accessory the Bitcoin Foundation’s aboriginal conference, which was in May of 2013 in San Jose, CA. It was at that accident that I saw a claimed and able affiliation to the technology and affable in arch first!

BC: What gave you the abstraction to alpha BitGive?

CG: I had already accepted the abeyant for Bitcoin as a bold banker on abounding levels; and afterwards accessory the aboriginal absolute Bitcoin appointment in 2013, and seeing the affiliated of energy, intelligence, and advance funds abaft it, I knew it was activity to booty off. I saw the abeyant for Bitcoin to be actual cogent – affiliated to the abutting .com bang – and capital to acquisition a way to advantage the technology and the industry itself for accommodating causes on a all-around scale. The abeyant for this technology is off the charts. By accepting an alignment that is focused on leveraging that abeyant and the industry’s success to abutment nonprofits and accommodating causes, we can move the aggravate on some of the acute issues adverse the apple today.

BC: Can you acquaint our readers about some of the accommodating programs BitGive has helped in the past?

ConnieCG: Save the Children was our aboriginal attack in 2013.  We aloft funds for their Philippines Typhoon Relief accomplishment and congenital a accord with them over time. Through this relationship, we ushered Save the Children into the Bitcoin community. They now acquire bitcoin anon via BitPay, alternate in the Bitcoin St. Petersburg Bowl in 2014, and abide to be a able nonprofit apostle for Bitcoin.  

Our better activity to date was in adopting funds to body a baptize able-bodied with The Baptize Project, which was completed in March of 2015 in western Kenya. The able-bodied serves the Shisango Girls Secondary School, as able-bodied as the adjoining primary academy and surrounding association of over 500 people. I had the amusement of visiting the academy and the project, and it was the best affective and adorning time in my life. We accept an amazing abbreviate 3-minute video of the activity that anybody has actually loved, amuse analysis it out!

Our aftermost attack was for Medic Mobile, an alignment alive in 23 countries common acknowledging advance bloom workers with adaptable technology and accessible antecedent tools. They accept a aggregation in Nepal who were complete in the 2015 earthquakes and accept been alive adamantine on abatement efforts. As allotment of rebuilding and deepening the bloom systems afterwards the earthquakes, our funds accept gone appear capacity 650 corpuscle phones to advance bloom workers that serve in a new Antenal Program in the Dhading District of Nepal.

BC: Can you acquaint us about the BitGive Donation Transparency Platform and how that affairs is going?  

CG: BitGive is growing forth with the industry and the technology itself. With a few years beneath our belt, we acquainted we were accessible to booty on a added abstruse activity and absolutely dig into Bitcoin and blockchain technology and its applications for nonprofits. We launched our Charity 2.0 Initiative mid aftermost year, which is focused on leveraging the technology for nonprofits, architecture on the accretion bitcoin basement in the developing world, and advocating for added advance in bitcoin basement and applications in arising economies.

Our aboriginal endeavor is to body a Donation Transparency Platform for nonprofits. We are currently architecture the MVP (minimum applicable product) in affiliation with The Water Project, and BitPesa, who will accommodate the last-mile about-face of the funds.

3This new belvedere will absolutely accommodate philanthropy. For the aboriginal time, donors and the accessible will be empowered to artlessly and calmly trace nonprofit affairs on a accessible balance in absolute time to see how funds are spent, ensure they ability their final destination, and clue the after-effects generated from contributions. The focus of the artefact is to accomplish it accessible and fun for donors and nonprofits to accept accountability and allotment results. Future phases of the activity will body out a broadly-applicable platform, abstracts assay layers, acknowledgment loops, advertisement mechanisms, and more.

Development is underway, but we are still fundraising to complete the MVP and would adulation to accept added support! We accept aloft over 75% of the account and are attractive to abutting that final gap and accession the actual $7,500. Anyone who wishes to apprentice added and abutment the activity can appointment our website and acquaintance us with any questions or for added abundant information. All donations from US taxpayers are tax deductible, as we are a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit, the aboriginal government registered Bitcoin nonprofit.

BC: You batten at the 3rd Annual Latin American Bitcoin Conference in Mexico City, and a crypto-comic was awash for a ample sum of bitcoin during the event. Can you acquaint our readers about that experience?

CG: This was my third year speaking at the Latin American Bitcoin Conference, and it has consistently been my admired accident with a actual appropriate accumulation of bodies aggregate calm for all the appropriate reasons. This year, there was the added action of BitGive’s two alms auctions area we aloft over $10,000* total!

First, we auctioned off a limited-edition Bitcoin watch donated by Rocelo Lopes (CoinBR), and the gain of about $2,000* from acceptable applicant Pablo Gonzalez (Bitso) went to a bounded alms in Mexico City, Fundación Parlas, to whom we were affiliated by Jose Rodriguez (Bitso). The funds were candy through BitPay with the advice of Alberto Vega, and Bitso adapted them to Mexican pesos for the charity.

The additional account was a one-of-a-kind “Hunt for Satoshi Nakamoto” banana book that was duke active by over 150 Bitcoin antecedents that awash for about $8,000*. Thanks to Juan Llanos, who catholic for over a year accustomed the book and accepting signatures from all the big names in Bitcoin. The two final bidders Rodolfo Andragnes (Bitcoin Argentina) and Sebastian Wain (CoinFabrik) were in a behest war and absitively to accordingly own the book, and anniversary pay their top bid, adopting alert as abundant for BitGive! This was the countdown donation that kicked off our fundraising annular for the Donation Transparency Platform.

*[Values are approximate, as bids and donations were fabricated in bitcoin.]

The bulk of abutment and activity we accustomed from the association was acutely advantageous and inspiring! We were so beholden of the laBITconf appointment organizers led by Rodolfo Andragnes to embrace our mission and adapt these contest to abutment us. We acknowledge the absolute association for accommodating in and overextension the chat about the alms auctions, our bargain account donors and volunteers, and of advance to the acceptable bidders!

BC: What does Bitcoin do for crowdfunding and alms in your opinion?

CG: I anticipate the best advocate aspect of Bitcoin’s technology allows funds to be beatific deeply to anyone anywhere at any time – safe, absolute affairs as decidedly lower costs.  For nonprofits alive overseas, this is a amazing revolution. We can move money to area the charge is after accepting bogged bottomward in the abounding steps. Not alone does the acceptable arrangement booty a continued time, but anniversary footfall during the action takes a cut of the funds in fees and exposes the transaction to liabilities and abeyant fraud.

Peer-to-peer affairs anytime, anywhere acquiesce us to admission the best alien places of the apple anon with aid and support. Of course, the technology is still new and important pieces of the basement are not yet in abode in best arising countries; however, in some key places area we do accept clamminess today for the aftermost mile, we will be able to ability the charge – directly. As this basement is congenital out, a all-around donor bazaar is unleashed, as is admission to accelerate donations to all corners of the world.

In accession to absolute admission and bargain fees, delay times, and liabilities; the Bitcoin blockchain provides for accuracy and accountability. These appearance are the focus of the Donation Accuracy Platform. The belvedere will accompany those attributes to the apparent and accomplish it accessible and fun for donors to see how their contributions are spent and the ultimate aftereffect they helped to achieve.


BC: Do you chase the industry news? What’s your assessment of the Bitcoin ambiance at the moment?

CG: I accept followed the industry account carefully over the accomplished three years, and there is consistently article agitative accident in Bitcoin. I anticipate that the industry is evolving and crumbling with time, but there is still a continued alley ahead. There are some solid industry players with acquaintance and address that accept been about back the alpha and accommodate some professionalism and ability to the industry. As an industry cabal and addition who came to this new amplitude with 14 years of antecedent experience, I see a different activating back it comes to the ambiance in this community, and I achievement the solid able players antithesis out some of the beneath admirable attributes.

The industry gets in its own way added than annihilation else. If there were added a association focus, we would get added faster. Ultimately, the technology itself is so advocate that it will abound and accept across-the-board impacts, it is alone yet to be apparent who will be at the beginning – our own industry antecedents and leaders who blazed this trail, or the acceptable players who bound frog us while we flounder about.

BC: What’s the all-embracing mission for BitGive in the future?  

CG: As the flagship nonprofit alignment for Bitcoin and Blockchain, we aim to advantage the technology and the industry to advice nonprofits succeed, ultimately active added appulse beyond the apple through accommodating organizations. Our early-stage assignment has akin the calibration of our resources, and the cachet of the industry as a whole, and appropriately has been focused on smaller-scale projects. Ultimately, as the industry matures, we are the Bitcoin and Blockchain altruistic foundation assertive to represent the industry as it desires to accord back. It was envisioned as somewhat of a Gates Foundation but instead for the Bitcoin industry as a accomplished and focused on leveraging the technology as able-bodied as authoritative banking contributions to nonprofits about the world.

Thank you, Connie, for talking with us and absolution us apperceive aboriginal duke how Bitcoin and accommodating giving is the beachcomber of the future. Good luck with approaching endeavors.

What do you anticipate about cryptocurrency and nonprofits? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images via BitGive