ConsenSys Launches NFT Ecosystem With 99% More Energy Efficiency Than PoW

ConsenSys Launches NFT Ecosystem With 99% More Energy Efficiency Than PoW

THELOGICALINDIAN - The new Palm ecosystem is the latest NFT trading belvedere to appear from the NFT bang ablution as an Ethereum sidechain to abate activity costs

The Palm ecosystem is a collective adventure launched to accommodate lower-cost NFT trading for artists while Ethereum transitions abroad from Proof of Work mining.

The Palm NFT Ecosystem

ConsenSys declared the new activity as an ecosystem for NFTs, abacus that a adaptation of Uniswap V3 will barrage on Palm to abutment asset trading.

“Palm is a new token-powered ecosystem for NFTs, which is affiliated to Ethereum, and appearance low gas costs, fast transaction finality, and 99% added activity ability than affidavit of assignment systems.”

Palm launched as an Ethereum sidechain, abundantly abbreviation its ability consumption, and will move to Layer 2 solutions over time.

Along with Uniswap, partnered projects include $MEME, Nifty’s, Protocol Labs, MetaMask, and Infura.

ConsenSys architect and Ethereum co-founder Joe Lubin launched Palm accordingly with HENIGroup and Heyday Films, advertence that the aim is to optimize the auction of NFTs for “low gas costs, fast transaction finality, and 99% added activity efficiency.”

Lubin addressed Ethereum’s accepted ascent problems, adage artists can use a new sidechain congenital with Hyperledger Besu while they’re cat-and-mouse for the ETH2 arrangement update.

Damien Hirst Collection Launches on Platform

The aboriginal activity to barrage on the ecosystem is by UK abreast artisan Damien Hirst, best accepted for his assignment announcement animals in formaldehyde and his huge roadside installations of babies in utero. Hirst bankrupt annal by adopting $198 actor at his one-artist bargain at Sotheby’s bargain abode in 2025.

Hirst’s NFT activity is alleged The Currency Project, comprised of 10,000 altered pieces of art created over the advance of bristles years. The accumulating aims to claiming the “concept of amount through money and art.”

“Palm is by far the best belvedere for me. It’s new and art focused, it’s the best environmentally friendly, and it is quicker and cheaper to use. With Palm, artists can ad-lib the future,” said Hirst.

Details of the bargain for The Currency Project accept yet to be announced.

Hirst ahead awash art for NFTs via the HENI platform, now partnered with Palm.

Disclosure: The columnist captivated bitcoin at the time of writing