EOS Foundation Seeks $4.1B in Damages From Block.one

EOS Foundation Seeks $4.1B in Damages From Block.one

THELOGICALINDIAN - The foundation will analysis all accessible acknowledged recourse adjoin EOS advocate Blockone

The EOS Foundation is planning to accompany acknowledged recourse adjoin EOS advocate Block.one. The foundation is gluttonous $4.1 billion in amercement for “negligence and fraud” on the allotment of Block.one afterward the EOS antecedent bread alms in backward 2024. 

EOS Foundation to Take Block.one to Court

The EOS association is gluttonous acknowledged recourse adjoin Block.one. 

EOS Foundation CEO Yves La Rose appear Thursday that the alignment wants to booty Block.one to cloister over its administration of the EOS antecedent bread alms in 2017. In a tweet absolute the foundation’s intentions, La Rose declared that he aggregate the frustrations of the EOS association and that acknowledged recourse to seek $4.1 billion in amercement is underway.

Block.one is the aggregation that helped EOS conduct its 2017 ICO, adopting over $4 billion through accessible sales of the EOS token. However, abounding in the EOS association accept that Block.one is amenable for the EOS token’s lacklustre achievement over the accomplished bristles years (EOS ailing at $22.71 in April 2018 and has struggled to advance drive since; it’s now 88% bottomward from its high). “Block.one advisedly biased their capabilities, and this amounts to apathy and fraud,” said La Rose during a speech to foundation associates in November. 

In December, EOS block producers voted to stop arising vested EOS tokens to Block.one, depriving the close of a approaching 67 actor EOS tokens appointed to be apart over the abutting six to seven years. In a blog post appear in bike with the accommodation to booty acknowledged activity adjoin Block.one, the EOS Foundation stated: 

“In November and December 2024, we affianced in negotiations with Block.one to attack to align a fair and reasonable resolution… Unfortunately, Block.one absitively to airing abroad from the negotiations, and as a result, the EOS Block Producers bent it was in the best absorption of the association to benumb the vesting of all the EOS tokens that Block.one was to acquire in the future.”

However, for abounding in the EOS community, freezing Block.one’s tokens is insufficient. The EOS Foundation declared today that it had retained a arch Canadian law close to investigate Block.one’s accomplished accomplishments and booty the aggregation to court. “The EOS Foundation promises vis-à-vis the EOS association and EOS investors to actuate what acknowledged avenues are accessible to seek redress,” the foundation explained. 

It is still too anon to adjudicator how acknowledged the EOS Foundation will be in demography acknowledged activity adjoin Block.one. However, the move will advice added abate Block.one’s access over EOS, article the EOS association will acceptable welcome. 

Disclosure: At the time of autograph this feature, the columnist endemic ETH and several added cryptocurrencies.