Ross Ulbricht Letter Questions the Wisdom of Imprisoning Non-Violent Offenders

Ross Ulbricht Letter Questions the Wisdom of Imprisoning Non-Violent Offenders

THELOGICALINDIAN - Forced to absorb the blow of his canicule in a cage Ross Ulbricht has anecdotal his bearings in a letter which explains how hes spent added than 2096 canicule in a US federal penitentiary for active a website

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Ross Ulbricht Reflects on 2,000 Days Behind Bars

The letter from Ulbricht shows the apple how skewed the amends arrangement is back a cage is actually the acknowledgment to ‘correcting’ people’s behavior. The drug war has raged on for decades, abrogation tens of bags abaft confined for victimless crimes. Ross Ulbricht was bedevilled to a bifold activity book afterwards the adventitious of acquittal afterwards he was arrested for his role with the Silk Road marketplace. The belvedere accustomed acknowledging adults to acquirement narcotics anonymously. Ulbricht says he’s been accursed to die in prison. He’s got lots of time on his easily and it’s accustomed him time to appraise and ask questions.

“I was put in handcuffs for the aboriginal time back I was 29 years old. I was labeled a captive that day and accept back spent 2,096 canicule and nights in the bondage of the U.S. federal government,” Ulbricht wrote. He added:

Ross Ulbricht Letter Questions the Wisdom of Imprisoning Non-Violent Offenders

‘Crippling a Peaceful Individual’

Ulbricht was bedevilled at 1:00 p.m. EST at the Daniel Patrick Moynihan Courthouse in New York City on May 29, 2015. He was begin accusable on seven abomination counts based on actuality the architect of the bearding online exchange Silk Road and the accuse were all non-violent. At the time, abounding cryptocurrency supporters were affronted and acquainted the bifold activity book he accustomed was draconian. Cryptocurrency enthusiast and music artisan Tatiana Moroz, explained at the time that the sentencing of Ross Ulbricht was abominable and added added that the “war on drugs has been an bottomless failure.” “It hasn’t chock-full biologic use and it has alone affronted the problem,” Moroz emphasized. “It wastes billions in aborigine money — It’s absurd to account the amount of the lives destroyed in the streets.” Julia Tourianski, architect of Brave the World, was additionally abashed and said:

In Ulbricht’s contempo letter he addendum that “forcing addition to absorb years or decades continuously like this, alive up to [a cage] every distinct morning, is cruel.” Ulbricht says his imprisonment is affiliated to the affliction ache like afire or flogging. “If the victims themselves would adopt this ache to imprisonment, the assured cessation is that bastille is worse, alike added cruel. I, and every captive I accept asked, would adopt any bulk of affliction and cruelty, for a bound duration, to the years and decades we’re affected to absorb actuality — alcohol crushed, achievement abandoned, relegated to irrelevance.” Ulbricht’s letter on June 27 adds:

Ross and his ancestors accept some of the affliction things about his case were the base analysis and trial, manipulated by two rogue officers, and the grotesque disparity amid Ulbricht’s bifold activity book and added Silk Road defendants who haven’t accustomed added than 10 years in bastille for their crimes. Some of those men were the better heroin dealers on Silk Road, and the Silk Road 2 admin was accused of acceptance adolescent pornography.

180,000 Have Signed Ross Ulbricht’s Clemency Petition

Ulbricht’s agenda to the accessible says that vengeance and animality shouldn’t be “honored and institutionalized.” He believes that imprisonment of this attributes “hurt all parties” and emphasized that “humanity is hurting.” “We can do bigger — We accept the abeyant to acceleration aloft this darkness, to be appreciative of how humanely we amusement prisoners and how few we charge to cast with that label,” Ulbricht wrote. “Instead we duke out years, decades and lifetimes of imprisonment to around every being the government targets — We accumulate architecture beef like the one I’m autograph this from. Prisoners are not inventory. We are not numbers or statistics. We are animal beings, and we don’t deserve this.”

The letter should accomplish anyone catechism whether sending Ulbricht to a cage for the blow of his activity is humane, abnormally accustomed the victimless attributes of his crime. Unfortunately, the apple is abounding with prisons active by millions of bodies because bureaucrats disagree with the use of assertive plants and substances. At the end of Ulbricht’s letter, he says if bodies haven’t active his charity address yet, they should do so and allotment it with their friends. is hosting a petition for Ulbricht’s clemency and so far 180,164 individuals accept signed. The address asks U.S. President Donald Trump to absolution Ross Ulbricht because there is a growing accord that Ross’s case is a abortion of justice.

“My son, Ross Ulbricht, is a first-time blackmailer confined a bifold activity book after parole, additional 40 years, for a website he fabricated back he was 26 years old and amorous about chargeless markets and privacy,” Lyn Ulbricht, Ross’s mother, explains on the petition’s notes. Lyn Ulbricht’s address to Trump concludes:

If you are absorbed in account Ulbricht’s contempo letter to the accessible in its entirety, it can be begin here.

What do you anticipate about Ross Ulbricht spending his activity in bastille for operating a website? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this accountable in the comments area below.

Image credits: Shutterstock,, Pixabay, and Twitter @RealRossU.

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