Ron Paul: Federal Reserve

Ron Paul: Federal Reserve "Commits Fraud", Time To Abolish SEC And Decentralize


One of the arch apostles of sound-money Libertarianism is abacus his articulation to the choir calling for decentralization. Dr. Ron Paul, a twelve-term Congressman and abiding Presidential candidate, has fabricated his aboriginal actualization at Consensus 2024 – to apostle for decentralized politics.

And he had acrid words for the Federal Reserve and the SEC.

Dr. Paul will additionally bear a keynote accent at  the first-ever hackathon adherent to creating decentralized solutions for democracy. The hackathon will analyze innovations in “participatory government,” enabled by blockchains and acute arrangement technology.

The advertisement was appear by the agenda asset action network, a nonprofit alignment of cryptocurrency leaders and political agents which advocates for added accessible authoritative and taxation policies.

Developers at the hackathon will apply Ethereum-based technology and acute affairs to authenticate new solutions for issues in governance, voting, answer development, and political action, DAPNet revealed. Initial frameworks and abstracts for their acute affairs will be provided by, a sponsor of the hackathon.

The hackathon’s goals adjust acerb with Paul’s abiding positions of basal government and deregulation.

“That’s one acumen I’m absorbed in the technology, because it decentralizes things,” Dr. Paul told Crypto Briefing in a recorded interview.

“So If you attending at money, the absolute absorption of money in the Federal Reserve system, and they accept acknowledged breakable law. You’re not accustomed to compete. You’re not alike accustomed to attempt with gold and argent which is in the constitution. It’s centralized in the easily of the bodies who book money. They accomplish the fraud, they become the counterfeiters.”

Get Rid Of The SEC

Although his toughest fights may be abaft him, Dr. Paul did not cull any punches as he discussed his thoughts on regulation.

‘I’d let the bazaar adapt [cryptocurrencies]” he said. “I wouldn’t accept the government do anything, added than if somebody’s committing fraud….If you charge regulations, the bazaar should regulate, they shouldn’t accept any subsidies or any bailouts or anything. But if there’s corruption, the government should be involved.”

Asked what admonition he ability accept for Valerie Szczepanik or Hester Peirce, who were appointed to allege after that day, he said: “Get rid of the SEC. That would be ideal.” 

Although Dr. Paul was aboveboard about his about benightedness on broadcast balance technology, DAPNet accent that this tech carefully aligns with autonomous and decentralized politics.

“The blockchain is redefining the abstraction of ability and money in politics,” said DAPNet cofounder Nick Spanos. “From voting to money to bread-and-butter transparency, the blockchain is how boilerplate Americans will appropriate aback ascendancy from bureaucrats and appropriate interests.”

Computers abate adequately quickly, but anon there may be a way to put those old laptops to use. CPUcoin is planning to barrage a testnet for a new administration economy, area users can advertise their abandoned processing ability in barter for cryptocurrency.

The San Francisco-based company, which is registered in the Caymans, likened the Content Generation Arrangement to Airbnb or Uber. “Just as Airbnb owns no absolute acreage but operates a able platform, CPUcoin owns no infrastructure,” explained Sean Barger, Managing Director of CPUcoin. Instead, the arrangement recruits users to hire their additional computers, laptops and adaptable devices, and leases these processors to cloud-based applications.

The new belvedere is declared as decentralized Infrastructure-As-a-Service. Users will be paid in CPUcoin, an ERC-20 token, in barter for renting their abandoned processing power. The belvedere will actualize a exchange for bare processing, acceptance users to abstract added amount from their abandoned computers.

“Globally, about a hundred actor servers and added than two billion PC’s and adaptable accessories are powered on and active at any accustomed time, with almost 30% of those assets sitting idle,” Barger explained. “With CPUcoin’s CGN, we’ve created a way to put this compute ability to use to break absolute apple enterprise-class tasks while enabling developers to calibration their business at a atom of the cost.”

CPUcoin appropriate a cardinal of accessible applications for the new network, such as accelerated video rendering, text-to-speech conversions or bold processing. “The CGN finer eliminates the altercation and aerial costs associated with provisioning, managing and ascent applications on a all-around scale,” Barger explained.

Along with the new testnet, CPUcoin is additionally ablution its aboriginal action dApp. Dubbed MediaRich Publisher, the decentralized appliance provides a beheld interface for the Content Generation Network.

CPUcoin claims that the MediaRich decentralized account is already acclimated by assorted Fortune 500 companies including Walmart, Adidas, Warner Bros, and The Department of Energy. Crypto Briefing has not absolute this claim, and it’s not bright in what accommodation these companies are appliance the application. The company’s roadmap suggests that it is advancing for an Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) in Q2 of 2019.

The testnet is appointed to barrage on May 14th. The abounding mainnet for the Content Generation Network is accepted to barrage aboriginal abutting year.

Michael Terpin, who was afresh awarded $75M damages in a SIM-swapping case, is an adviser to the project.