US Lawmakers Urged to Take Action Against Unlicensed Offshore Bitcoin Exchanges

US Lawmakers Urged to Take Action Against Unlicensed Offshore Bitcoin Exchanges

THELOGICALINDIAN - US assembly accept been apprenticed to booty activity adjoin actionable adopted bitcoin exchanges afterward a subcommittee audition aural the House of Representatives The audition Virtual Currency Financial Innovation and National Security Implications is actuality hosted by the Terrorism and Illicit Finance Subcommittee

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The Absence of KYC Guidelines and Identity Verification On Many Exchanges Were Stressed as a Major Issue

The growing admeasurement of ransomware attacks that advance cryptocurrency technology has led US assembly to afresh focus aloft the abeyant abrogating use cases for blockchain technology. Representatives were told that bitcoin and added cryptocurrencies actuality more acclimated to ammunition adulterous activities are calmly attainable via able cryptocurrencies hosted alfresco of the United States. An accent was placed aloft actionable exchanges actuality acclimated as a agent for money laundering, terrorism, and cybercrime.


The absence of KYC guidelines and character analysis on abounding exchanges were fatigued as a above issue. “Criminals can accessible bearding accounts, or accounts with affected names to fly beneath the alarm of law enforcement,” said Kathryn Haun, above Assistant US Attorney and accepted academician at Stanford University. “Thus, we accept accustomed ‘Mickey Mouse who resides at ‘123 Main Street’ in amendment returns”.

Many of the Issues Raised Have Little Evidence Supporting the Need For a Greater Focus On Crimes Committed Involving Cryptocurrency, Than Crimes Committed Using Dollars

The US House Financial Services Committee audition has taken abode aloof months afterwards the FBI was accepted acknowledged administration to drudge any computer in the apple that is accounted to be affiliated via a ‘network’ to a computer for which the FBI has a accreditation allotment infiltration. This prompts some to adapt the address as a accessible pre-meditated absolution for because application said administration to catch bottomward on able bitcoin affairs internationally. “We charge acquisition a way to ambition these bent bill exchanges, generally cloistral in countries area admiral assure and alike accumulation from them”, said Scott Dueweke, admiral of The Identity and Payments Association.

Democratic Representative Ed Permutter of Colorado accustomed the boundless use of banknote and money transmitting casework as additionally actuality cartage for adulterous activities, but argued that law administration possesses the authoritative agency to arraign and abuse those who use such to breach the law.

Many of the issues aloft accept little affirmation acknowledging the charge for a greater focus on crimes committed involving cryptocurrency, than for crimes committed application dollars. There is bare affirmation that added than $1,000 has been donated to agitator groups application bitcoin, and the anonymizing capabilities of the technology are generally overstated. The accessible attributes of all blockchain wallet ethics makes it accessible for law administration to clue the movements of funds articular to accept been complex with bent activities – an apparent downside of attempting to use bitcoin as a agent for abominable activities. It is additionally account acquainted that abounding hackers and scammers accept had their funds bedeviled by exchanges back attempting to catechumen their cryptocurrency into authorization (including the atramentous and anonymously operated BTC-E) – suggesting that the cryptocurrency arrangement possesses some centralized agency to alienate and abuse those who seek to use bitcoin for artful purposes.

Images via Shutterstock.

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