Did the $41M Bitcoin Theft Create a Buying Opportunity for Binance Coin (BNB)?
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Did the $41M Bitcoin Theft Create a Buying Opportunity for Binance Coin (BNB)?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Binance Token BNB has taken a cogent due to the Binance Bitcoin drudge but is the contempo pullback an befalling for buyers

BNB Maybe a Steal as Binance Reels

Since topping out at $25.49 Binance Badge (BNB) [coin_price coin=binance-coin] has pulled aback by about 27% and the fallout from aftermost week’s Tether – Bitfinex aspersion forth with Binance’s contempo $41 actor bitcoin theft are demography their assessment on the exchange’s built-in token.

Clearly, afterwards a added than 500% rally, BNB was accomplished for a bit of accumulation demography and a trend change but the accepted dump could be added affiliated to contempo contest and not a representation of BNB’s amount from a abstruse standpoint.

BNB-USDT Daily Chart


As afresh as May 2, BNB was accumulation amid $25 to $21 and announcement circadian lower highs. It’s bright that altcoin was accident backbone as it struggled to break aloft the 12 EMA The buck cantankerous on the circadian MACD corresponds with the April 26th account of Bitfinex misappropriating $850 actor USDT to awning their own losses.

BNB-USDT 4-Hr Chart

Today’s pullback brought BNB beneath both affective averages and the 12 is on the border of bridge beneath the 26 EMA. There is the achievability of an oversold animation occurring anon as the RSI and MACD are anniversary oversold, but barring a massive arrival of buyers, the animation is not acceptable to change the trend or extend accomplished $19.50.

On its way to $25.49, Binance Coin accursed through $17 – $21 (61.8% Fib retracement) and the abridgement of abutment below $19 explains why BNB is slicing through this akin appear added solid abutment at $15. If $17.30 doesn’t authority again the 50% fib level.

Given that USDT and BTC accept annoyed off and recovered from the aforementioned contempo contest that now appulse BNB, it’s acceptable that BNB will additionally balance as the accessible gets over the shock of the better crypto-exchange by circadian aggregate constant a $41 actor hack. Luckily, it has resulted in aught Binance users accident funds.

In result, the accepted amount could be a affairs befalling for beat traders as a acknowledgment to the antecedent ambit represents a 20 – 25% acknowledgment and those attractive to set up a continued position ability accede affairs a division of their accepted investment.

Is Binance Coin a buy now beneath $19? Share your thoughts below!

[Disclaimer: The angle bidding in this commodity are not advised as advance advice. Market abstracts is provided by Bitfinex. The archive for the assay are provided by TradingView.]

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Images address of Shutterstock, Trading View. Market abstracts sourced from Coinbase.fkff