Litecoin is Flashing a Bearish Breakdown Pattern as Analysts Eye Downside
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Litecoin is Flashing a Bearish Breakdown Pattern as Analysts Eye Downside

THELOGICALINDIAN - Despite aggressive college throughout the accomplished anniversary Litecoin is now assuming some signs of weakness as its amount hovers aural the mid60 region

Many analysts accept been putting alternating bull-favoring analyses of the cryptocurrency, although its blockage drive seems to point to some basal weakness.

One trader, in particular, is acquainted that its accepted weakness is best acutely accent while attractive appear its Bitcoin trading pair.

Here, he credibility to LTC’s advancing bearish retest as one assurance of potentially approaching downside, additionally acquainted that it is blame up adjoin a abundant attrition arena while attractive appear its USD trading brace as well.

Litecoin Sees Slowing Momentum as Underperformance of BTC Continues

At the time of writing, Litecoin is trading bottomward aloof over 2% at its accepted amount of $65.80. This is about the amount at which it has been trading at for the accomplished few hours.

Late yesterday, the cryptocurrency faced a close bounce at almost $69.00 that apoplectic the uptrend it has been bent aural throughout the accomplished week.

This apathetic bullwork college has accustomed the crypto to ascend from account lows of $51 to its highs that were set yesterday.

LTC – clashing both Bitcoin and Ethereum – is currently trading able-bodied beneath its 2020 highs that were set aloof afore the mid-March meltdown.

During this time, the crypto’s amount surged as aerial as $83.40 afore it saw a capitulatory selloff to lows of $30.

LTC Flashes Signs of Weakness Against Both USD and BTC

While speaking about the cryptocurrency, one banker noted that he is anticipating Litecoin to see weakness adjoin both its BTC and USD trading pairs.


The assemblage of weakness adjoin both BTC and USD may bang a cogent draft to Litecoin’s mid-term angle and may account it to abide underperforming its beyond counterparts.