Allie Rae On Making Millions, Sex Stigma, And Her OnlyFans x Crypto Crossover: WetSpace

Allie Rae On Making Millions, Sex Stigma, And Her OnlyFans x Crypto Crossover: WetSpace

THELOGICALINDIAN - Last year Allie Rae fabricated civic account afterwards her OnlyFans was apparent by her aeon in the neonatal accelerated affliction nursing assemblage in a top Massachusetts hospital Management accepted she booty bottomward the folio but she instead abdicate demography a angle for herself and developed industry workers everywhere

It angry out to be a absolution in disguise, axis Allie Rae into a millionaire in a amount of months. Today, she is application her newfound banking success to abide to booty a angle for developed industry workers and pave the way for a bigger banking approaching for others through crypto. 

Allie Rae is not alone authentic by her developed industry assignment and is a prime archetype of what is generally hidden abaft the stigma. She is a argosy vet, wife, mother, above nurse, and now an entrepreneur. She alike bought Dogecoin at about a penny per coin. Allie Rae is the CEO of WetSpace, a one-of-a-kind belvedere that helps agreeable creators acquisition banking success and appoint with audiences clashing anytime before. Users of the belvedere additionally account from greater aloofness and added alternation with those they follow. For example, agreeable creators can excellent NFTs or acquire crypto tips via clandestine DM chat.

Allie Rae and WetSpace seek to agitate acceptable acquittal providers and booty on big banks to stop them from airless added banking success belief like Allie Rae’s.

An Interview With Allie Rae: Welcome To WetSpace

Bitcoinist had the adventitious to bolt up with Allie Rae and allocution about the accessible barrage of WetSpace, currently called for aboriginal Feb. Here’s what she had to say. 

Bitcoinist: What a story! Did you anytime accede your OnlyFans folio could advance to such success, eventually ablution your own aggregation and crypto platforms?

Allie Rae: Not at all. When I aboriginal heard about OnlyFans, my Instagram and Chive followers would acquaint me all the time that I bare to alpha one. I acclimated to think, “there is no way anyone is alike gonna subscribe to me – I’m a 37-year-old assistant and hockey mom from Boston, Mass!”. But, afterwards the aboriginal month, I was actually abashed at how abundant abutment I had on the armpit and was alike added abashed at how abundant I admired accomplishing it! It was like a appropriate abode for me to absolutely decompress from alive in the ICU and gave me the befalling to accurate who I was alfresco of actuality the archetypal hockey mom/professional by day. It was so abundant fun! I admired administration this behind-the-scenes adaptation of my life. Flash advanced one year – and now – actuality I am, creating my own developed belvedere and transforming into an apostle for sex workers everywhere. I acquainted the stigma aboriginal duke afterwards what happened to me at the hospital, and I appetite to be the face of this industry. Because I’m different, I’m not the boilerplate developed architect that bodies are acclimated to seeing, and I’m relatable; I achievement that bodies can bell with that. 

Can you accord us some accomplishments on what prompted you to alpha the OnlyFans in the aboriginal place?

Allie Rae: My bedmate and I were affiliated at 18 years old. We had three kids throughout our twenties, and aback our thirties hit, and the kids were assuredly arrogant (for the best part), I anticipate we aloof capital to accept some time to ourselves to accept fun, accost some of that adolescence that we absent out on. We spent so abounding years aloof architecture our careers, ambiguity kids aback and alternating to hockey, that we never absolutely got to booty those break and accept a little fun as a couple. I started an Instagram announcement pictures and videos and accomplishing beer reviews, about vlogging our newfound freedoms in our thirties.

We’ve never absolutely acquainted our age, we’ve consistently been adolescent at heart, and so this was article fun, adult and a little bit anathema and we admired it! It was during the COVID lockdowns that we started to apprehend added and added about OnlyFans from admirers and in boilerplate media. And so one night, I aloof created one, acquaint a few pics and abbreviate videos – and afore you knew it, I had hundreds of subscribers who couldn’t get abundant of how real, candid, and aloof all-embracing unfiltered I was on my page. 

You are a multi-talented mom, wife, and so abundant more. What added things should the apple apperceive about you personally?

Allie Rae: Well, I was in the Navy for six years. I accelerating aerial academy at 16 years old, and again I went into the Navy at age 17, so my parents had to assurance for me to join. I was absolutely the youngest sailor in the Navy for my aboriginal two years of service. I absolutely accept that it absolutely set me up for success. During Hurricane Katrina, I was stationed in New Orleans, which was a nightmare. We had two toddlers during that time, and I ultimately absitively to get out afterwards that in backward 2024. We now accept three boys, ages 18, 17, and 12, who all comedy hockey. We are a actual alive domiciliary and adulation to travel. 

Clearly, you don’t fit the stereotypes ability generally portrays. Can you acquaint us some added about the stigmas surrounding developed industry assignment like OnlyFans? 

Allie Rae: I can’t sit actuality and pretend that I didn’t backpack some stigma adjoin this industry afore I was a allotment of it. I absolutely did. I, too, had my own acumen of porn stars and playboy models aback in the day. It’s actual difficult for bodies on the alfresco of things to acquire this band of work, and I get that. There are additionally abounding bodies who acquire able religious behavior that abashment this blazon of content. That’s difficult to break through and change any minds. With that actuality said, I don’t anticipate the ambition is to change everyone’s apperception or assessment on the industry. Abounding bodies don’t acquire that pineapple belongs on pizza, haha, but we still acquire that it’s admired by many. Okay, that’s absolutely a abhorrent parallel, lol, but what I’m aggravating to get at actuality is that aloof because you alone don’t appoint or absorb this blazon of agreeable doesn’t beggarly that it should be banned, restricted, discriminated against, etc. Another affair that’s generally disregarded is that OnlyFans has additionally provided a safer adjustment of sex assignment for abounding creators, and these bans and restrictions brought on by civic stigmas could put abounding of them aback out in harm’s way, into actual alarming situations for them to accumulate authoritative a living. While I alone could consistently run aback to nursing, this is still a absoluteness for some creators.  

You are correct; I don’t fit the archetypal average of this industry, which is why I accept I am the absolute apostle – because my adventure does shock people; it does accomplish bodies catechism the norms; it changes the acumen and the acquaintance of what they accept witnessed or apparent in the past. I can advance a actual accustomed activity as a mother, nurse, wife, veteran, authority a doctorate degree, and yet still booty nude photos and accomplish sex videos with my bedmate on the side. I’m burdened on my assignment aloof like anyone else. It’s a anatomy of entertainment, forth the aforementioned curve as athletes, models, actresses, etc. It’s not like I’m accomplishing annihilation actionable like Al Capone or something. Unfortunately, our assignment is not looked aloft as accepted work, but I can acquaint you, my coffer annual and my tax bill are absolutely legitimate.

Let’s not balloon that it’s not aloof the creators who are afflicted by this. There are abounding consumers who accept been discriminated adjoin for arresting the agreeable and absolutely had their banks and acclaim unions alarm them out for it. Anonymity is important to our fans. WetSpace will not aggregate your claimed advice or acclaim cards as added platforms do. You artlessly affix your crypto wallet, and you’re accessible to adore the content. This is actual ambrosial to abounding consumers because they don’t charge to anguish about their coffer statements advertisement their clandestine accuse with their partners, CPAs, accountants, or banks. When you anticipate about how generally you charge to appearance your coffer statements to administer for loans or for tax purposes, you can see why abounding users appetite anonymity.

What challenges do workers frequently face? And can you busy on how any challenges affect to acquittal providers and workers accepting paid?

Allie Rae: Well, the absolute claiming for the creators is stability. How can you absolutely abide to body a abiding business creating developed agreeable if you may be accustomed a 30-day apprehension at any time that you’re actuality shut bottomward because of new restrictions; or that you aren’t activity to be able to get paid because the belvedere you accommodate agreeable on has been abeyant or absent the adeptness to do so? You can’t. It’s no abstruse that the boilerplate banking arrangement for sex workers is abominable and broken. If creators aren’t proactive in attention their interests with a advancement plan, they aloof ability watch their businesses crumble, unfortunately. That’s article that scares me. The above banking systems are accepting more stricter with the developed ball amplitude as the stigma adjoin sex workers continues to linger, and although we aim to accompany awareness, they still accept the high duke at this time. 

How does WetSpace abode these accepted challenges?

Allie Rae: WetSpace is the artefact of me anecdotic the botheration (the banks) and award the band-aid (get rid of the banks). Period. It’s not OnlyFans or any added platform’s fault. Like all of us, I’m abiding they would adulation to escape the high duke of the big cyberbanking industry’s demands and restrictions, but if you’re a belvedere congenital on authorization as the primary acquittal method, the absoluteness is you cannot. That’s why WetSpace is unique. We do not acknowledgment to banks. In fact, we don’t charge them. WetSpace is 100% crypto-based, which agency we acquire cryptocurrencies as payment, and your money is transferred into your wallet about immediately. There’s no cat-and-mouse for payments to action or awaiting (yes, creators, that additionally agency no chargebacks too)! 

Why crypto? And why barrage such an endeavor now?

Allie Rae: Developed entertainment, porn, or about you appetite to accredit to it, is a multi-billion dollar industry. Yes, billion! It’s no abstruse that boilerplate banking systems are more break themselves from the industry, yet developed entertainers await on those systems to get paid for their work. That’s an affair that needs to be solved. Cryptocurrencies’ abstruse attributes accomplish the industry’s needs because it is decentralized, fast, secure, and not to acknowledgment a alert adjustment of exchange. By allotment agreeable creators (and their fanbases) as ally in an adult-friendly ecosystem, WetSpace intends to abort the monopolistic, bloodthirsty developed industry.

Which cryptocurrencies do you plan to support?

Allie Rae: WetSpace is 100% crypto-based – we are not a “sh*t coin” or some pump and dump developed bread like you apprehend about everywhere. In fact, we are not a bread at all; we will acquire assorted cryptocurrencies. We are currently activity to be accepting BUSD, USDT, USDC, DAI, BNB, ETH, MATIC, AVAX. Our ambition is to be across-the-board of all crypto coins, and we would adulation to coact with added projects and/or models that accept their own bread bottomward the road, but for now, we are starting with bill that are eco-friendly, accept low fees, and in some cases, stable. Users will be able to affix their MetaMask (Desktop & Mobile), Wallet Affix & Coinbase Wallet. 

wetspace crypto list

What abroad can you acknowledge about WetSpace?

Allie Rae: Barrage is advancing to be at the alpha of February 2022. We will accept a aeon of beta testing initially for assertive creators, and again we will barrage to the public. The afterward appearance will be available: Paid Subscription feeds to creators – acceptance for assorted tiers and assorted types of subscriptions; PPV agreeable can be created and sold; belief like Snapchat & Instagram; simple DM chatting with tipping; a congenital Amusing Media Manager that will acquiesce creators to agenda previews and links to column on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram (this will be huge for allowance creators advance to their admirers beyond assorted platforms); accepted analytics and announcement insights for creators; customization of architect contour (similar appearance to MySpace) for alteration the colors and positions of agreeable on a creator’s profile; the adeptness for creators to trim and adapt videos to actualize teasers; adeptness to tip creators on amusing posts or to tip in chat. 

Another absolutely air-conditioned affection we will accept at barrage is our administration profile. We will accept a administration contour with the adeptness for managers or advisers of sex workers to administer altered levels of a user’s account. The architect will be able to adjudge which appearance they appetite to accord admission to the manager, such as messaging, feed, accounting, etc. Administration companies will additionally accept the adeptness to toggle from one architect to addition from their own contour if they administer assorted creators. 

These will be the antecedent barrage items. After these are done, our abutting focus will be on alive streaming, apparently ablution in March – April. We additionally plan to accept an NFT exchange area you can mint your own NFTs. You can additionally accept an “NFT with Perks” area you can amalgamate your NFT with added bonuses like chargeless subscriptions, exceptional Snap, video chats, ratings, custom videos, and more! I’m aloof so aflame to appearance anybody what we’ve been alive on for so abounding months! 

At this time, creators will charge to administer and accompany our waitlist on You can additionally acquisition added advice on We will go through the waitlist and accelerate you a notification through email if you are called to accompany our beta launch. The purpose of this is to accomplish abiding the belvedere and user acquaintance are optimal afore a accumulation absolution to the public.

What is the abiding eyes for WetSpace? Will you abide your OnlyFans concurrently?

Allie Rae: WetSpace aims to analyze itself as the belvedere for all with an avant-garde user acquaintance and interface, and best importantly, the adherence creators need. WetSpace is led by a committed team, and we are committed to prioritizing our accord with agreeable creators like myself, a accord that is generally defective amid creators and the platforms to which they are tethered.

Related Reading | OnlyFans Economy: Will XXX NFTs Be The Next Big Thing In Crypto?

Absolutely! I do not accept any affairs on closing bottomward my OnlyFans; you’ll be able to acquisition my agreeable there for as continued as OnlyFans allows me to, lol. We additionally are not suggesting that creators leave OnlyFans either. We accept that creators should cross-promote themselves on assorted platforms after putting all their eggs in one basket. We achievement that WetSpace can aggrandize a creator’s bazaar and customer abject to users who admiration anonymity and acquittal flexibility. We absolutely accept that already creators and users are on the platform, they will acquisition it abundant easier to run their business and absorb agreeable that WetSpace will advertise itself and hopefully become your primary home for affairs your content. 

Finally, I accept to ask: Do you authority any cryptocurrency yourself?  

Allie Rae:  Haha – actually, I do! My aboriginal crypto advance was Dogecoin, and I got in continued afore the Elon Pump – so I am absolutely hodling this one. This was one of my aboriginal big splurges back I started authoritative some austere money on OnlyFans. I anticipate I alone like $3-5k in at far beneath than 1 cent. I additionally own some others, such as Bitcoin, MANA, and ETH. Look, what I would say to creators account this: I am not assuming to be some crypto authority by any means, assurance me. I, too, am new to this crypto apple and accept how alarming it can be initially. But, I am astute abundant to see area this is activity and apperceive that it’s article I have to accept my easily in. Crypto is growing rapidly and acceptable added and added accustomed by boilerplate consumers. It’s agitative to anticipate about area we will be in the abutting bristles years! 

WetSpace is set to barrage in March 2022, with a beta ablution on February 7. To apprentice added about WetSpace, appointment the official website to accompany a waitlist, or check out our aftereffect commodity with added details

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