CryptoPing to Help Users Navigate the Cryptocurrency Investment World

CryptoPing to Help Users Navigate the Cryptocurrency Investment World

THELOGICALINDIAN - CryptoPing is an Instant Message bot for cryptocurrency traders accumulation advice from exchanges and presenting it to the user in the anatomy of absolute signals

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The recent cryptocurrency rally has taken crypto to adopted heights, accession a all-around bazaar cap of over 100 billion and accepting new users worldwide. However, it has additionally created a FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) ambiance area amateur traders can lose fortunes in weeks due to rushed decisions based on no abundant analysis whatsoever.

In a bazaar like this, accomplished traders accumulation abundantly from accomplished experience, while aspirant users charge resort to advice hubs. However, affection trading and assay accoutrement and advice are not in affluence in cryptocurrency world, which agency that users may be advance to accomplish decisions based on incorrect information.

Bitcoin Price markets

CryptoPing is an Instant Message bot for cryptocurrency traders. Taking the anatomy of an accustomed babble room, it compiles advice from exchanges and presents it to the user in the anatomy of signals, who can again accept to act aloft it. The CryptoPing bot clears the cutting babble in the cryptosphere and prevents you with the best accordant movements in the bazaar in due time.

Showcasing the charge for affection accoutrement in the field, CryptoPing’s advancing crowdfunding campaign has already aloft 65% of the initially accepted funds. The CryptoPing IM bot has added than 25,000 alive users, with added 500 new circadian registrations, currently apprehension the barrage of the subscription-based casework and amusing sharing.

The advice provided by CryptoPing is based on the trading volume, amount movements, change to bread amount to BTC, cryptocurrency bazaar capitalization, and more. This advice will be aggregate in a address that bound tells the user what altcoins he can buy and why, assuming the accordant bazaar movements.

Although CryptoPing can be acclimated to enhance your trading skills, acceptance you to bound ambit out the bazaar in four altered cryptocurrency exchanges and to abode your orders based on the provided info, all of your purchases should be accompanied by extensive research. This arrangement allows you to apperceive all accordant advice about the advance you’re authoritative and not aloof the price/volume movements, which can be deceptive.

In the future, CryptoPing’s roadmap includes amusing trading, an advance app, account and amusing feeds monitoring, neural arrangement for markets and auto-investing app and more

In adjustment to armamentarium the development of the CryptoPing project, an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Campaign is currently demography place, acceptance users to barter Bitcoin in barter for PING tokens, a crypto-based asset issued on the Waves Platform.  The ICO has aggregate over 377 BTC so far, with four added canicule larboard until the end of the campaign.

The PING badge is acclimated as a acquittal adjustment for the CryptoPing cable model. Most of the PING tokens acclimated for payments will be burnt for the aboriginal six months, which allows the absolute accumulation of 10 actor to decrease.

So far, CryptoPing has been able to accumulate 65% of the accepted funds. With over 2202 investors worldwide, CryptoPing will be able to bear a globally attainable artefact that can be acclimated by anyone that has admission to an IM app like Telegram or Slack.

Can CryptoPing become a accepted apparatus for accomplished and amateur traders alike? Share your opinion below!

Images address of CryptoPing, Shutterstock