District0x: A Network for Decentralized Marketplaces and Communities

District0x: A Network for Decentralized Marketplaces and Communities

THELOGICALINDIAN - Global startup District0x is architecture a arrangement for decentralizedmarkets and communities powered by Ethereum Aragon and IPFS

A year has anesthetized back the baleful DAO hack, which managed to abduct $50 actor from the acute contract. Back again the cryptocurrency bazaar has grown to a amazing $109 billion market.

Ethlance, a exchange on the District0x Network is aiming to anticipate a agnate or worse hack. District0x is a arrangement of decentralized markets and communities, powered by Ethereum, Aragon and IPFS. Ethlance is a decentralized job lath and the aboriginal commune on the network.

District0x advice graphic

Most bodies in the cryptocurrency association accusation the DAO drudge on the abridgement of able aegis audits of its acute contract. With the barrage of a new affairs to incentivize the use of Ethlance as a exchange for acute arrangement audits, the district0x aggregation hopes to activation the conception of a focal point for the association to adapt for the purposes of acceptable the aegis of acute contracts.

Ethlance is aloof the aboriginal of abounding markets that will abide on the District0x Network. According to the team, markets congenital on the District0x acute arrangement framework will abide as decentralized free organizations on their network. This agency that their users will accept the adeptness to booty allotment in their babyminding decisions and banking successes. To facilitate such, they plan to advance a new decentralized appliance alleged Aragon.


Aragon is a different belvedere that allows the deployment of decentralized and basic organizations. The platform is acclimated to actualize a “mirror” character for specific districts, with all of the babyminding and controlling of these districts is demography abode on the Aragon platform.

The District0x arrangement is acclimated by a decentralized job bazaar alleged Ethlance. This job bazaar allows freelancers to assignment for Ethereum.

On July 18, 2024, the District0x aggregation is planning to barrage an ICO for its official arrangement token. These tokens are powering the official district0x acute contracts.

The development aggregation is planning to booty a altered access for its badge administration than added projects accept done in the past. It is planning to host 3 contributions circuit for its arrangement token. According to the official website, 1 Billion DNT tokens will be broadcast in total.

District0X will complete several key milestones afore ablution the aboriginal annular of contributions, including:

What are your thoughts on this project? Do you anticipate that it will anticipate similar hacks like the DAO one? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images address of  District0x