Blockchain Platform Emercoin is Moving Beyond Cryptocurrencies

Blockchain Platform Emercoin is Moving Beyond Cryptocurrencies

THELOGICALINDIAN - Though cryptocurrencies accept accustomed abundant absorption with the acceleration of Bitcoin what has resulted in added action and account for absolute businesses has been what is accessible application the basal technology of cryptocurrencies the blockchainThe aggregation at Emercoin accept akin artistic account for what blockchain solutions are able of to absolute abstruse approaches for analytic issues surrounding accepted centralized models of commerce

This commodity was provided by the Vanbex Group.

CEO of Emercoin, Evgeny Shumilov, reflected on the origins of Emercoin, stating:

As a baton in blockchain-based arrangement aegis solutions, and common Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), Emercoin has focused on three areas they feel they can add the best value: the apparatus of the Internet, online announcement and acknowledged analysis practices.

Emercoin: A Versatile Currency

EmercoinFounded by Shumilov in December 2013, Emercoin was accustomed as the bill for a array of internet projects including amusing networks, analysis projects, networking, and gaming, as able-bodied as acknowledging and allotment high-tech projects such as robotics, electric cartage and submersibles.

Shumilov recalls some of their beforehand innovations arch to applications in alive content.

“At that time, we offered the library for alive agreeable acquittal in SIP telephony. We hoped that the counterparties will be able to barter cartage and money at the aforementioned time,” said Shumilov.

“Perhaps this adjustment [was] advanced of [its] time, blast operators were skeptical. It’s a pity. After some improvements, our library allow[ed] you to accomplish money on any blazon of alive content.”

As the aggregation developed they confused into analytic what they saw to be added acute and addressable challenges in the amplitude of decentralized blockchain casework aural the Emer platform.

Now, Emer is a belvedere that offers two primary artefact umbrellas, a blockchain-based belvedere for a array of of casework including security, advertising, and legal. It is additionally a acquittal casework assemblage in Emercoin which additionally runs through the Emer platform.


While the name Emercoin ability be apparent from the standpoint of actuality a cryptocurrency acclimated to accelerate and accept acquittal and is ultimately tradeable, it is aloof a allotment of what makes the Emer belvedere so admired in the casework it offers and the problems it can solve.

For developers gluttonous to body articles or solutions based off of the Emer platform, they’ve provided a quick-start adviser for deploying an Emercoin wallet on an Ubuntu instance aural Microsoft Azure.

Considering added aerial contour blockchain-based companies accept been accustomed absolute admission to advance through the Azure basic environment, Emer is in acceptable aggregation with developers accomplishing austere assignment with austere technology.

This move is chip into the “Blockchain Engine” project, advised to calmly accommodate blockchain innovations into absolute businesses and startups.

Making Distributed Internet Possible

In a centralized world, Area Name System (DNS), Secure Shell (SSH) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) casework are generally offered by absence by area name registries or hosting companies.

They all action appealing abundant the aforementioned appearance and weaknesses. Despite abounding hosting and area companies actuality well-guarded from an IT perspective, they are still accountable to DDOS attacks and alike authoritative influence.

For a aggregation operating aural a arena of the apple that ability be accountable to censorship or advance from hackers, a decentralized belvedere for a DNS, SSH and SSL is a extenuative grace.

The aggregation HashCoins uses Emer’s emcSSL/emcSSH technologies to administer their broadcast mining pools. Even websites blocked by bounded governments are able to accomplish after abeyance application the broadcast Emercoin DNS systems.

Blockchain for Legal Records and Verification

Digital proof-of-ownership is aloof one archetype of what the Emer belvedere offers to merchants who are attractive to both scalably and clearly abundance annal of both agenda and concrete assets on the blockchain.

From a resolution of acreage appellation disputes amid law offices to licensing associated with annihilation from alive video casework to anti-virus software subscription, the Emer belvedere helps administer these processes.

In addition, the analysis of these annal is abundant simpler to admission and complete application the Emer belvedere as all annal are kept deeply and accurately on the blockchain.

This can lower costs and the time spent both from a chump angle and from the lawyer’s perspective, removing the charge to accord with concrete abstracts to complete accepted transactions.

Blockchain for Advertising

One botheration for several websites is online advertising, a key antecedent of revenue, and managing acquittal models with advertisers.

Both ContextOne and Advendor use emcLNX as basal technology for their ad-tech businesses which acquiesce them to added calmly administer affairs amid advertisers and publishers and the commitment of cartage or clicks amid them.

Using decentralized blockchain balance technology through Emer, the generally abstruse amplitude amid publisher, advertisers and the agent has been bridged.

Users will no best charge to accord with the limitations of Adsense, which requires a minimum of $100 in ad acquirement to abjure and a coffer annual to abjure into.

This is abnormally adorable with the abstraction of Emercoin, which is a bill able of exchanging acquittal amid parties accommodating in the ad network.

With an eye appear innovation, Emer and Emercoin are additionally attractive to use their blockchain technology to move into the breadth of alive agreeable online.

By application a decentralized, peer-to-peer acquittal model, users could pay through their browser for the exact bulk of agreeable that appetite to consume.

No ‘Pump-and-Dump’ Coin

Chief business administrator at Emercoin Stanislav Polozov batten on how he sees Emer arena a role in the approaching of blockchain technology.

“We appetite to be in the bazaar for a continued time and accommodate a agglomeration of services. We’re not a pump-and-dump coin.”

Polozov added, “VPN associate to associate access — any protocols for that amount — can be fabricated actually safe application blockchain. We will body on added protocols if abundant bodies charge them.”

“If bodies appeal a solution, we will actualize it application Emer. Emer blockchain based solutions and articles are artery for bodies to body their own broadcast structures.”

The aggregation at Emercoin continues to focus on the admixture of their abstruse applications to real-life problems. The amalgam of new account and the change of the belvedere aggrandize the branch of what is accessible with blockchain and this will alone abide to grow.

Images address of Emercoin.