Interview with Geekkos CEO: Carlos Eduardo Wallauer

Interview with Geekkos CEO: Carlos Eduardo Wallauer

THELOGICALINDIAN - Geekkos is a activity that was aboriginal alien in November of 2024 by Twitter user crazycrypto who is accepted for trading altcoins He is the architect of theGeekkosaltcoin and handles all business accompanying to the bread The bread blueprint are as follows

Initial bread supply: 10M (10,000,000) broadcast via crowdfunding
Algorithm: Scrypt – 100% PoS v2 (Proof of Stake) PoP (Proof of Play)
PoS: 10% anchored absorption annually

I accomplished out to Carlos in hopes of an account and abiding abundant he responded. Here is the account hosted with Carlos(@crazy_crypto)

I acquainted like I could actualize abundance for myself and others (investors and gamers). I additionally acquainted like I could accompany absorbing things and changes.

That we accept a bread and are activity to advance a software, a abundance and a game. We are distributing this bread (called $GEEK) through a crowdsale. There are a lot of details, why it can be great, how we can accolade investors and estimated dates for releases.

The software alleged Proof of Play. It will accord money to gamers, through our GEEK fund, for arena the amateur they already comedy and accolade investors with the user abject and advertisements combined.

Because we apprehend to accord connected advance to our bazaar due to several acquirement streams. The bread Logowon’t await on the bitcoin market. Also, through the crowdsale, bodies will be able to accept added benefits, fun and an alive accord in our project.

Yes and no, not in the accepted way. You could calmly chronicle the “mining” action to the administration through our Proof of Play software, back gamers will accept staked bill from our GEEK armamentarium proportionally to the bulk of time played and the cardinal of users arena on a circadian basis. The abstraction is that this action won’t accept an end.

I see the bold development as a allowance to the community. I anticipation it would be a abundant abstraction to mark this activity as the aboriginal to accomplish a appropriate bold accompanying to the crypto universe. Although we don’t appetite it to stop there.

We can accompany absorption from the crypto association with the bold and acclaimed characters actuality fabricated already like Satoshi Nakamoto. That abandoned can be a hit for account sites. And we can accompany boilerplate absorption with the software that will accord money, for free, to gamers. Without them defective to apperceive annihilation about crypto currencies.

Read our whitepaper, admission our website. There are a lot of things there and I anticipate you ability like it.
Follow us on twitter, we’ll accumulate afterlight it regularly. Feel chargeless to ask us any questions too, we’ll be animated to answer.Don’t balloon our crowdsale is already alive and that it will end in a few days.

Does crypto-currency accept a abode in the gaming industry? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Image Source: Geekkos