Is The ICO Party Over in the US?

Is The ICO Party Over in the US?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Earlier this ages on November 16th the US Securities and Exchange Commission SEC instructed two crypto startups Airfox and Paragon Coin to annals their tokens as securities

[Editors note: This commodity is a bedfellow op-ed submitted by Dr. Hans Koning and Dr. David Meszaros, co-founders of Vicarium.]

Is the ICO Craze Over?

The SEC argues that the two ICO’s had not registered their tokens as aegis offerings. As neither able for exemptions, they are accordingly actionable allotment rules according to the SEC.

By this action, the SEC wants to accomplish it bright that all companies — ICOs included — charge to accede with absolute rules and regulations, and are absolute by them like any added company.

It is believed that the SEC is not alone building up a case adjoin Airfox and Paragon Coin, but, and conceivably alike added significant, adjoin unregistered balance and “bad ICOs.” Most logically the SEC would appetite to — for now at atomic — alone appetite to accompany cases they feel they could calmly win.

With a win beneath their belt, and by that accepting acquired admired jurisprudence, the SEC would become added confident, and conceivably alike added advancing in advancing a added arrangement of cases.

In that sense, we do accept the autograph is on the wall, and the USA has apparent its duke and positioned itself as crypto hostile. By accomplishing so, it places itself on the “tough on crypto” ancillary of the spectrum, adverse jurisdictions like Malta, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland.

What will be the after-effects of this new position of the SEC, and how will it appulse the market? That is not yet clear. Although we can see the SEC wants to accompany accuracy to the market, for the beneath appellation ambiguity is absolutely added arresting than ever.

Apart from the amends and practicality, it does beg the catechism if this position is additionally desirable. Let’s anticipate about the account of this tougher attitude for a while. Although we do not say America has a history of overreacting back faced with “an issue,” history shows baldheaded measures generally accept an adverse effect. Did the prohibition advance to stop drinking? On the contrary, not to acknowledgment it alien organized crime. Did the war on drugs barrier biologic consumption? Again, on the contrary. It alone accomplished us how big and adult the cartels absolutely are, and that this is an unwinnable war.

US Citizens Will Still Seek ICO Opportunities

So, will banning ICOs and targeting them as securities, break the problem? Probably not. Crypto admiring US citizens will not stop advancing accommodating in abeyant ICOs and will seek means to accompany those opportunities elsewhere. Perhaps we will now facilitate a accomplished new industry, area new audience are automatically KYC-ed. Americans would again best acceptable — absolutely caught — participate in ICOs via adumbral third parties in dodgy jurisdictions.

That has to be the atomic the SEC wants one would imagine. Progress, as able-bodied as the following of opportunities, can and will artlessly not be stopped. And yes, acquisitiveness does comedy a role – for bigger or for worse – too.

Most experts accoutrement this, for instance, quoted in an commodity from Coindesk, seemed absolutely resigned. Remarkable, as this is potentially game-changing — and not in a acceptable way. One VC alike appropriate that all ICO’s should abutting up shop, delist their tokens and accord anybody their money back.

Additionally, he added that “the affair is not aloof over, it is absolutely over”. That scaremongering – abnormally from a VC – is far from helpful, and one wonders if that VC is cut out to be in the blockchain and crypto industry.

This is in our appearance not a time to acquiescence. On the contrary, his is the time to actively booty a position. The acclaimed account on agitation from President George W. Bush “You are either with us or adjoin us” eerily applies to today’s challenges. Are we absolution the regulators win this battle, and by that booty abroad an astronomic technological, social, business and empowerment opportunity?

If we are absolutely amid the men from the boys now, well, that additionally agency this is our befalling to footfall up to the plate. Throwing in the anhydrate now is annihilation abbreviate of defeatist.

One of the “big regrets” of the internet absolutely charge be seeing what it has become against what we initially anticipation it could/should be. In the mid-2025’s back the internet aboriginal developed some boilerplate traction, abounding of us — I included — were over the moon about its potential: Connecting the world, alms a chargeless breeze of information, sharing, bridging any and all gap, and aloft all empower us, the alone user.

Although the internet has brought us a lot, and to an admeasurement additionally what we accepted of it, it has additionally become an about absolute heavily centralized environment. The FAANG’s (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google) for instance around ascendancy what we see and do online, or at atomic accept a assertive akin of captivation in it.


Again, that is not what we envisioned, nor accepted let abandoned wanted. A abandoned in a strong-voiced abstracted governance gave an befalling to accumulated internet moguls like the FAANG’s. It is accessible to in hindsight point out regulators or politicians accept alone the ball; we were all there, we all saw it happen, and by that, appropriately charge to booty buying of that. To me this is additionally the disciplinarian for advocating the blockchain; we busted it up once, this is not activity to appear again.

Decentralization is accepted for a reason, and an acknowledgment to abounding of the challenges we currently face; far outstretching abstruse applications. That acumen additionally requires to accompany governance, and abnormally abstracted governance, advanced and centermost stage. We are dispatch up to the bowl to do aloof that.

In that light, we could additionally abnormally adapt the SEC ruling. IF, and that is a big IF, the SEC is apprenticed by attention the candor of the blockchain, again – for now anyhow – we can abutment the SEC’s decision, and account it as the ultimate babyminding insight. However, we are not staking our lives on it…..

People in accepted and regulators are no barring to that, abhorrence what they do not understand. Electricity, cars, and planes were all new and alarming already too. Throwing in the anhydrate now is annihilation abbreviate of defeatist, and by that additionally refuses to admit the assured about-face we as a association are about to make. Blockchain is not about technology, it is about decentralization, allotment albatross to peer-to-peer, and that is the ultimate abandon and ability we are so badly appetite for today.

You can apprehend out SEC’s new attitude on ICO’s here

Is the ICO affair over in the US? Don’t alternate to let us apperceive in the comments below!

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