MMA Fighter Elias Theodorou Drives Change Through NFTs On New World

MMA Fighter Elias Theodorou Drives Change Through NFTs On New World

THELOGICALINDIAN - MMA fighter Elias The Spartan Theodorou has had an illustrious career and has spent 2024 breaking barriers for athletes In February 2024 Theodorou was the aboriginal amateur in his home country of Canada to action to accept a ameliorative use absolution TUE for medical cannabis By May he had accustomed an added TUE from the US establishing him as the aboriginal amateur to do so in the states as well

As Theodorou continues to action the stigma of cannabis in athletics, paving the way for ancestors to come, the busy MMA brilliant is set to absolution a new alternation of NFTs as a allotment of his accessible fight, address of his affiliation with New World. The NFTs will absolution on New World at 4:20PM on the day of Theodorou’s accessible action with Bryan Baker, December 18.

Our aggregation at Bitcoinist sat bottomward with Elias to allocution briefly about the accessible NFT drop, his angle on cannabis and crypto, and more. Check out the abounding account below.

Bitcoinist: We apperceive about your accomplishments in cannabis, but let’s alpha off talking a bit about NFTs. What opened the aperture for you and got you absorbed in NFTs as we advance up to your NFT absolution this weekend?

ET: Yeah, basically a aggregation of things, acutely the drive basic of authoritative history as the aboriginal cannabis amateur in the US; I’ve already done so in Canada as able-bodied – I did that in March for Rise Fighting the Stigma. That belvedere was absolutely on addition blockchain-based, cable agreeable provider. So I’ve been alive in this amplitude in some accommodation for the bigger allotment of all of 2024.

And there is the accessible amalgamation with commendations to the aspect that cannabis is still, I wouldn’t say the chat ‘fringe’, but rather, it still has a stigma – both in the bread-and-butter and additionally the industry and the community-side as well. So in this space, I am aggravating to accompany absorption to the stigma in athletics, but additionally the stigma in actuality able to apostle and brainwash about this. For instance, ImagineBC, who I accept formed with for my aftermost action about streaming, and it’s based on the blockchain. Now fast-tracking to today, we’re advanced of me authoritative history afresh as the aboriginal cannabis amateur again, this time in the US.

The adeptness to admire and admire it, for my fans, for admirers of cannabis, and for those that acknowledge the amplitude and appetite to be a allotment of it – in abounding ways, the NFT is activity to be a celebration in the accommodation agnate to how fighters airing out with their official action tee, and with the acquirement of this NFT, you will get an official active action tee, with my cannabis brand, as able-bodied as a agenda one.

The sky is the absolute on this, both in the accomplished with what I’ve already done, in the accommodation of authoritative history in Canada, that’s activity to congenital into this with my NFTs affective advanced as well. Next year, I accept a plan to abide animadversion bottomward barriers in the amplitude of cannabis, that will afresh be immortalized with commendations to an NFT, and anybody who purchases it will accept a allotment of this history, and a allotment of the content.

One of the absorbing things no best actuality with the UFC, area I was about a arrangement worker, now I am absolutely both a fighter and apostle for these events, so I absolutely own the rights to the agreeable of me authoritative history. Everything I did in cannabis, I own. As a basic of that, anybody who purchases one of my NFTs, will accept use of all of the agreeable and all of the footage – that’s article we’re alive into it as well. It’s activity to be a absolute all-embracing NFT: its not aloof the artwork, its not aloof owning a concrete shirt, it’s owning the absolute action itself, it’s actuality able to accept a allotment of history in your own right.

I’m absolutely aflame to go aloft and beyond, and body off of this – it’s aloof the beginning, I’m attractive to accomplish history Saturday December 18 back I action Bryan Baker, but I’m additionally attractive to abide to action the stigma, and that includes affairs to beating bottomward added barriers, and beating bottomward cannabis off of the prohibition account in athletics.

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Bitcoinist: You alleged this NFT absolution a “knockout punch” for cannabis prohibition. Can you acquaint us area you see cannabis prohibition looks like as we attending appear the years ahead?

ET: I anticipate it’s affective in the direction. The cannabis ancillary of history, if you will. And I’m both accustomed and aflame to comedy my allotment in it. There’s leagues that are removing the testing altogether, which is great. I anticipate the description with commendations to what I’m doing, is that this is the aboriginal time that cannabis is advised a medicine. So, they’ll still analysis me for cannabis. The beginning is about 150 (nanograms), but because of my ameliorative use exemption, castigation absolutely can apparently accept 1,000 nanograms at any accustomed moment.

Basically, it’s acquainted cannabis for what it is: a plant, and additionally a medicine. And that’s what I’ve been angry for. I already got my aboriginal win, actuality in Colorado, actuality able to alleviate as assigned by my doctor, afforded to me by my axiological appropriate as a Canadian, and according to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in Canada. This sets antecedent not alone for myself but for added athletes, and that’s what I plan on doing: giving the adapt for added athletes affective forward, so they don’t charge to be afflicted by their use of a plant.

Bitcoinist: You mentioned beforehand the bodice design. What aggressive the design, and can you booty us through a bit of the action of advancing up with the design?

ET: It’s actual abundant congenital off of me actuality a appreciative Canadian, it’s a comedy off of the Canadian chantry and brand, but abacus a cannabis twist. And the aspect of the actual appreciative partnerships that I have, the abounding altered cannabis companies that are activity to be in my bend as I attending to accomplish history. I’m absolutely aflame to abrasion them on my back. In addition, befitting it simple and crisp, but about actuality like the ‘anti-anti-Canadian flag,’ if you will.

Bitcoinist: What do you see bottomward the road? Will NFTs be activated to highlight the better moments of your claimed activity and career, or what array of assurance do you see in the approaching for you with NFTs?

ET: Yeah, that’s absolutely it – architecture off of what I’ve already done, what I plan on doing. Moving forward, a agglomeration of altered types of 1-of-1s, any blazon of commemorative moment, about actuality able to accord it back. Of course, there’s an bread-and-butter basic of it area it’s for sale, but bodies will be able to own it and bodies will be able to be a allotment of that history in their own way. When bodies watch a antic event, they feel that they’re a allotment of it, and this is a way for them to absolutely be a allotment of it.

I’m aflame to abound with my fanbase, the community, and the industry – both in the NFT amplitude and the cannabis space, and accept them merge. I anticipate there’s a huge befalling to do so in a way that commemorates the altered types of ‘knockouts’ to prohibition that currently stand.

Bitcoinist: Where can we apprentice added about your accepted cast endeavors, and your broader cannabis engagement?

ET: Yeah, it’s alleged ‘Cannabis Athlete,’ it’s a actual basal ‘cannabis’ and ‘athlete’ layout, and integrates a cannabis flag. Different types of affairs about dispensaries and artefact for the advancing year, but as it stands appropriate now, it’s added of a cast focused about the official action tee that will aggrandize to cannabis products.

I’m actual admiring and appreciative to be apery a lot of abundant brands back I footfall in; there’s Cubed Biotech, a consciousness-expanding aggregation that is activity to be a accessible aggregation in the new year. They are activity to change the bold back it comes to sports medicine, both in the new age and in aboriginal forms of psychedelics. I couldn’t be added appreciative to accept them as a above key sponsor. Also, Leafythings, the best cannabis app in award artefact in your area, with deals, accolade points, and a association that they’re building, and they’re a keynote sponsor for this accident that I’m cool aflame about.

There’s Storz & Bickle – the aboriginal Health Canada approved, and the best dry vaporizer. I tend to alleviate with dry flower, and Storz & Bickle is the best way to vaporize cannabis in my opinion, forth with the actuality that it was Health Canada approved, forth with added nations beyond the globe.

Finally, GGPoker – during COVID, we all had the accommodation to grow, apprentice and try some new things, and for me one of the things I got to apprentice was poker. It’s been a hell of a run for me in poker, I alike was in Vegas for my camp, and for the World Series of Poker, and I went on some appropriate runs while I was out there. I’m absolutely pumped to accept GGPoker in my bend as well, forth with ImagineBC as I mentioned earlier.

Between these partners, forth with New World, I’m absolutely aflame to represent not alone myself, but cannabis, my country, but additionally the abundant companies that represent me too.

Bitcoinist: Thanks for your time, Elias!

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