Uphold Adds Support for Voxel, Litecoin and Ethereum to Follow

Uphold Adds Support for Voxel, Litecoin and Ethereum to Follow

THELOGICALINDIAN - San Francisco LondonApril 11 2024 Uphold the worlds fastest growing cloudbased banking casework belvedere has appear its realtime affiliation with arch cryptocurrency barter Bittrex acceptance realtime bazaar appraisement for its associates to barter Voxel Litecoin and Ethereum into a advanced ambit of authorization currencies including the US dollar Euro Chinese yuan Indian rupee Japanese yen and British batter as able-bodied as adored metals including gold and argent Uphold additionally has a longstanding affiliation with the capital all-around bitcoin barter Bitstamp

Disclaimer: This is a columnist release. Bitcoinist is not amenable for the articles and/or casework of these firms.

Uphold Adds Support for Voxel

voxelusThis affiliation will acquiesce customers to barter with no fees, up to $1,000 per ages ($12,000 per year), the afterward assets:

“We are appreciative to accommodate the widest arrangement of options to buy, hold, barter and catechumen seamlessly amid assorted asset classes and anon these added cryptocurrencies,” said Anthony Watson, President and CEO of Uphold.

The company’s different business archetypal of non-fractional assets agency that it will consistently authority over 100% affluence for the assets on both ends of a transaction. This compares to acceptable banks, which are apportioned assets and can authority as little as 7% of its obligations on hand, arch to the again cycles of coffer bailouts and “too big to fail” banks that accept been amenable for the better recession in US history. Uphold is appreciative to the be alone banking casework aggregation in the apple to accept over 100% bank one capital, attention its members.

Clarification on Holding Assets against Selling Assets

Voxelus and Uphold are separate, different companies. Uphold had fabricated no investments in Voxelus. Uphold was the aboriginal aggregation to accomplice with Voxelus in the conception of their cryptocurrency; The Voxel (VOX). Specifically Uphold developed the VOX agenda wallet and added back-end banking integrations to ability the Voxelus Marketplace, the better athenaeum for Virtual Reality (VR) agreeable in the world, that is currently alive for chargeless articles and will go alive for paid affairs on Wednesday, April 20. In acknowledgment for developing the VOX agenda wallet, Uphold took a allotment of the Voxelus pre-mined float.

In the Voxel crowdsale, which took abode in 2024 and aloft $500,000 to advice body the Voxelus marketplace, both Voxelus and Uphold agreed that neither would anytime advertise its endemic bill at a amount beneath the final crowdsale amount of 0.001536 BTC (currently about 64 cents).   Given that all Voxel trades on Uphold currently go through Bittrex (with the abeyant of added exchanges added in the future), Uphold administration admired to analyze that any bazaar amount beneath the final crowdsale price, at any time and for all time, does not accommodate any bill endemic by Uphold nor Voxelus.

“We are a awful adapted institution,” said Watson, “and we accept to comedy by assertive rules.  We accept stated, and we reiterate today, that neither Uphold nor Voxelus will advertise any Voxels it owns – which aggregate the all-inclusive majority of Voxels in actuality –  at beneath the final crowdsale amount of 1/650 BTC – ever.  Uphold has not awash any Voxels whatsoever, alike back the Voxel initially traded able-bodied aloft the crowdsale price, and we accept no ambition of affairs any Voxels for the accountable future.  We accept in and abutment the abiding eyes of Voxelus, its different and acute VR agreeable conception belvedere and their cryptocurrency the Voxel. We acerb accept the VOX is decidedly undervalued and accept others will see why back Voxelus absolutely launches their exchange in the abutting few weeks. We’re actual aflame about the accomplished project.”

About Uphold

Welcome to Uphold. The Internet of Money™. The company enables anyone, anywhere to move, hold, catechumen and transact in any anatomy of money or article instantly, deeply and for chargeless – on any device. Launched in November 2014, the company is the fastest growing money belvedere in the apple and has powered over $867M USD in affairs by tens of bags of associates (individuals, businesses and charities) beyond 174 countries, in 25 accurate currencies and four commodities. By amalgam with Uphold’s accessible API Uphold Connect™, developers can absolutely advantage Uphold’s platform. Uphold is headquartered in Charleston with operations in Braga, London, Los Angeles, Mexico City, Mumbai, Portland, San Francisco, Sao Paulo and Shanghai. uphold.com or Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and Instagram.

About Voxelus

Founded in 2015, Voxelus is a advocate belvedere that allows anyone to actualize Basic Reality games, adventures and basic spaces after autograph a band of code.  The belvedere consists of Voxelus Creator, a 3D architecture app for PC and Mac; Voxelus Viewer, which works on desktop PCs, Oculus Rift and Samsung VR devices; and the Voxelus Marketplace, which allows creators to advertise and user to buy VR agreeable and amateur for the Voxelus ecosystem, application the different voxel in-game cryptocurrency. For added information, appointment voxelus.com.

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(925) 899-4326


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