Atlanta’s Blockchain Enthusiasts Take an In-Depth Look at Dash
amanda b johnson

Atlanta’s Blockchain Enthusiasts Take an In-Depth Look at Dash

THELOGICALINDIAN - At the best contempo Blockchain Atlanta acquisition attendees were advised to an indepth presentation on Dash by architect and advance developer Evan Duffield and myself Amanda B Johnson host of DASH Detailed We covered why a foundation of babyminding and allotment is acute to advancing the blockchains aboriginal app bill and how Dash affairs to be firsttomarket with laypersonfriendly agenda banknote via a artefact alleged Evolution advancing in 2024

The abounding presentation is here:

Explaining Dash in Atlanta

I advance the presentation with my own adventure of advertent Bitcoin, belief cryptocurrencies, and eventually applying to assignment full-time for the Dash network. I explain why it is absurd to accompany added abeyant blockchain apps afore the aboriginal app of money is broadly achieved. It comes bottomward to simple economics — and particularly, the economics of blockchain security. In short, the blockchain whose block accolade is best admired will acceptable accept the accomplished security. That’s because a block accolade whose units are money (money actuality the best highly-valued article in society) will allure added infrastructural advance than blockchains whose units are still not-money.

With the foundation of babyminding and self-funding assuredly achieved, Dash is now affective against the money app — agenda cash. Duffield again takes the mic and explains our babyminding and self-funding in added abstruse detail, and finishes by introducing Evolution — the artefact aimed at bringing agenda banknote to barter not absorbed in cryptography or blockchain technology at all.

The affair finishes with a adult question-and-answer affair with the audience. Attendees ask about the mechanics of Dash’s InstantSend and PrivateSend functionalities, what the easiest way to buy Dash is, how Dash affairs to attempt with the brand of PayPal and Venmo, and more.

What do you anticipate about Dash’s abiding business model? Share below!

Image via DeviantArt’s xeusion