3 Websites For Bitcoin-Paying Freelance Jobs
amanda johnson

3 Websites For Bitcoin-Paying Freelance Jobs

THELOGICALINDIAN - There are so abounding forms of application which dont crave anytime affair face to face autograph coding architecture video conception alteration adaptation and chump account are amid the tasks outsourced to freelancers every day Cryptogrind XBTFreelancer and the Jobs4Bitcoins subreddit are currently the arch sites area administration and freelancers affix for acquittal in Bitcoin

Also read: Why Coding Diversity Can be Beneficial to Bitcoin Development

Bitcoin.com has done all the analysis you’ll charge to adjudge which freelancing armpit ability serve your application or employee-seeking needs.


cryptogrind logoFounded by Richard Macarthy, Cryptogrind matches administration with freelancers, provides escrow addresses to authority acquittal until job completion, and acts as third-key advocate in the case of a dispute. The top-earning contributor on Cryptogrind is “billy,” a developer who offers Bitcoin affiliation for website owners who appetite to acquire cryptocurrency for payment. While baton is the top-earner, it charge be remembered that he’s completed alone one job; Cryptogrind is new and its aptitude basin is in its aboriginal stages.

Unlike marketplaces like Fiverr, which are difficult to attempt in due to amount floors and un-advertised add-on charges, Cryptogrind and the others listed actuality acquiesce administration and freelancers to accede aloft their own amount for a job. Cryptogrind keeps a 4% fee of all escrowed funds.

The account has additionally taken abundant pains to anticipate Bitcoin annexation of multisignature escrow keys, reporting, “With the use of Node.js and Bitcore technology, we admission the blockchain anon with no charge for hot wallets.”


xbtfreelancer logo screenshotEmployers currently announcement at XBTFreelancer accommodate ShapeShift and Coinbase, forth with a host of added blogging, development, marketing, and chase agent access jobs. 

The account encourages freelancers to authorize “milestones” of set prices with employers. This way, if a job is continued and complex, freelancers can get paid as they complete anniversary milestone, and the employer can accord constant acknowledgment that the assignment is satisfactory.

XBTFreelancer performs the escrow casework — agnate to Cryptogrind — and keeps 5% of escrowed funds in fees. The service’s armpit additionally appearance a how-to section for those attractive to pay or be paid in Bitcoin, but who feel borderline about how to start.


jobs4bitcoins subredditThe subreddit Jobs4Bitcoins appearance both “for hire” and “hiring” posts. An boilerplate of three new posts go up per day, alignment from alpha-tester roundups to academy acceptance attractive to appoint out a analysis paper.

Because the posts alive on Reddit, there is no congenital escrow account for employers’ funds to be captivated for freelancers. Users will acceptable appetite to apply a third-party escrow account like EscrowCoin or BTCrow afore alpha any work. Moderator of the Jobs4Bitcoins subreddit Matthew additionally offers his own escrow services. Really abstruse employer/freelancer pairs could abstain third affair fees altogether by aloof application a 2-of-2 multisignature abode amid themselves to authority the funds.

Freelancing websites are huge. Just analysis out the admeasurement of the associates of a armpit like UpWork (a alliance of eLance and oDesk) to get a faculty of the charge for agenda outsourcing. And admitting Fiverr accepts Bitcoin from hiring clients, they do not action Bitcoin acquittal to freelancers — and they accumulate 20%. Cryptogrind, XBTFreelancer, and the Jobs4Bitcoin subreddit are acceptable to abound as added career freelancers apprentice about the allowances of cryptocurrency.

Did we absence any Bitcoin-paying contributor websites? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images address of Zazzle and Perennially Curious