Bitcoin Developer Jeff Garzik Launches Enterprise Blockchain Support Startup
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Bitcoin Developer Jeff Garzik Launches Enterprise Blockchain Support Startup

THELOGICALINDIAN - February 11 2024 Jeff Garzik Bitcoin and above RHEL developer has launched an action blockchain technology startup Bloq inc The Company Operates in a agnate way to Red Hat except they advance blockchain accoutrement and action abutment for those technologies instead of Linux This advertisement comes at a analytical point in the block admeasurement agitation suggesting the amount developer expects nonbitcoin blockchain tech to be on the advance in animosity of the fallout from the Bitcoin Classic annex split

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Garzik Takes Enterprise Linux Experience to the Blockchain


The account of the blockchain is more apparent, and Garzik is one of a actual few developers with cogent acquaintance in the field. He cites acquaintance at Red Hat as the afflatus for Bloq. The business archetypal additionally assumes the best for the approaching of Bitcoin in the continued term, admitting the announcement’s acceptable timing with abrogating Bitcoin press.  They are currently alive with several Bitcoin-based blockchain platforms, including Circle Internet Financial Ltd, ItBit Trust Company LLC, and KnCMiner AB. Though the advertisement comes during a airy bearings aural the bitcoin community, the actuality that the startup is staking it’s success on bitcoin companies from the get-go tells a lot about it’s vested absorption in the abiding success of Bitcoin as able-bodied as blockchain tech. Bloq will be alive with these companies to bigger apparatus software advised to advance Bitcoin, and action abutment for its customers’ blockchain software deployments, in abundant the aforementioned way RHEL does with it’s Linux offerings. The parallels amid Garzik’s startup and his above employer are accessible to draw.

Garzik Has a continued history of Linux development, alike afore he started assignment at Red Hat. He brand to draw abounding similarities amid alive on both Linux and  Bitcoin as an accessible antecedent developer. In a contempo altercation on the Bitcoin Knowledge Podcast, Garzik equates aboriginal Linux development to the arrangement aftereffect that Bitcoin enjoys today, amid added things:

As we see acceptance and analysis of Bitcoin and blockchain tech expand, action casework will abound with them. Garzik’s Startup amid others will be analytical in bringing Bitcoin and added blockchain technologies to the boilerplate market. If action open-source abutment can assignment with a complicated OS beneath a business akin authorization like the GPL, a adept of the Red Hat business archetypal should be able to accompany a lot to the table on the abundantly accountant blockchain. Down the Road this agency Action absorption and advance in Bitcoin, which is acceptable for any accessible antecedent association in agreement of upstream abutment and development. The actuality action Blockchain startups are alpha to arise agency there’s a lot of absolute absorption in Bitcoin and the blockchain in general, behindhand of accepted dev infighting and controversy.

How do you anticipate Bloq inc. will advice advance the Bitcoin ecosystem? Leave your thoughts in the comments!

Images Courtesy of Bloq Inc.