Blockchain-Powered Green Energy Startup WePower Announces Platform Launch and Fundraiser
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Blockchain-Powered Green Energy Startup WePower Announces Platform Launch and Fundraiser

THELOGICALINDIAN - Gibraltarbased blooming activity barter belvedere WePower is now accepting fundraising registrations as the aggregation apparatus up for its accessible barrage The WePower prelaunch fundraiser is agnate to a crowdfunding attack alms contributors the aboriginal adventitious to accept WePower tokens in acknowledgment for Ethereum contributions

[Note: This is a columnist release.]


A allotment of the apple-pie activity produced and traded over the WePower belvedere will be allocated to activity tokens and stored in a acute contract. The WPR agenda bill will be tokenized activity stored in a acute arrangement and accrued with the advance of WePower platform.

WePower has already anchored all accomplice agreements that would facilitate the launch, and all all-important Letters-of-Intent are in place. The Beta adaptation is already live, and addition above blockchain amend is on the way, which will accredit blooming activity investors to access the bazaar directly. By purchasing green energy, the platform, investors will accounts the development of blooming activity producers and advance the bazaar in the process.

For some time, best arch scientists accept acerb accurate the acceptance that CO2 emissions, brought about through manmade altitude change are accepting a adverse aftereffect on the world’s climate. These emissions, apprenticed abundantly by the deposit ammunition industry and deforestation, are assertive to aggravate the acceleration of all-around temperatures to an unsustainable akin by the end of this century. One of the primary solutions to action this austere botheration is through a massive all-around advance in renewable forms of energy.

WePower is focused on developing a broadcast apple-pie activity arrangement based on blockchain and acute arrangement technologies. It intends to advance the about-face from a centralized deposit ammunition arrangement to a added localized, decentralized apple-pie activity system. The WePower belvedere connects absolute and new renewable activity producers with companies and bodies accommodating to about-face to apple-pie activity and advance in a 100% renewable future.

Through accurate accomplishing of blockchain technology and acute contracts, WePower is allowance break assorted problems of activity area at the aforementioned time. The belvedere additionally brings accuracy to the bulk of blooming activity produced, consumed, and how abundant CO2 discharge was bargain in the process. In addition, activity developers cut agent agency fees or accession beneath big-ticket funds for new start-ups by affairs approaching activity accepted prices.

As a result, activity consumers account from the cheaper approaching activity and accord in CO2 or added blooming activity affidavit markets. WePower can advantage acquaintance from energy, law, the blockchain, acquittal systems, aegis and arising agenda accounts industries to advance its platform. In accomplishing so, it will activate to change the way how anybody can acquire money by producing, affairs and advance in blooming energy.

The WePower pre-launch fundraiser is structured as a reward-based crowdfunding campaign, area contributors will accept WePower tokens in acknowledgment for their Ethereum contributions. Part of the blooming activity that will be produced and traded on the WePower belvedere will be assigned to Activity tokens and stored in a acute contract.

Thus, the WPR badge will be tokenized activity stored in a acute arrangement and which accrues donated activity (i.e. projected blooming activity production) in the anatomy of activity tokens. WPR badge holders can use this activity for their own purposes or barter it on WePower belvedere at any time. It ensures clamminess advantage for contributors, abnormally if contributors are from places area WePower is not affiliated to the filigree yet.

Images address of WePower, Wikimedia Commons