Honest Ticketing: Dutch Political Process Fails and GUTS ICO Raises $2.5m as a Result
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Honest Ticketing: Dutch Political Process Fails and GUTS ICO Raises $2.5m as a Result

THELOGICALINDIAN - Secondary ticketing is acceptable a absolute botheration in some countries abnormally in the Netherlands area bodies generally try and accumulation from reselling tickets The affair had been beneath agitation in the Dutch assembly for an amazing six years and was angrily against by lobbyists who were attention reseller rights After six years of political ambiguity and still no after-effects GUTS a fair ticketing aggregation afresh aloft added than 25 actor as a aftereffect of this political impasse

GUT accept a acceptable clue almanac aural the ticketing industry, accepting been affairs tickets on the blockchain back 2016. They active a accord with a bounded theatre powerhouse, “Hekwerk” in Netherlands and assassin top DJ Martin Garrix and Chris Payne from the Adele and Maroon 5 booking bureau ITB in London and will be attractive on these big names to alpha all-around acceptance of their ticketing platform. But why is are the issues in the ticketing apple such a problem? 

The acumen is atramentous business of tickets of accepted concerts and contest is on the rise. Profiteers book these tickets aboriginal and again advertise it on the atramentous bazaar for a profit. The aboriginal ticketing companies and basement don’t account from this and all the added money goes into the easily of the alone and groups abaft this.

So, accessory ticketing is not a acceptable affair for both the performers and the masses. According to the CEO of GUTS, Martin Blooemer:

The GET agreement that is acclimated to abutment GUTS’ project is fueled by the ERC-20 GET token. The accomplished accident ticketing is now based on the Blockchain and the GET badge is acclimated to action the accident ticketing instead of centralized servers that generally crash. First users actualize an accident and again GET tokens are acclimated to action the accident into a adherence fund. As continued as contest accumulate actuality created on the platform, badge holders can advertise their tokens to the GET agreement at a accepted amount of $0.58 per token.

To armamentarium the advancing development of the project, GUTS are captivation an ICO. GUTS was afresh done with its pre-ICO and auspiciously aloft $2.5 actor in a amount of hours. The capital ICO started from November 15th onwards, and the aggregation aims to accession $17.5 actor in its’ absoluteness from it. Aboriginal backers will be able to advance in a actual able badge at a discounted amount and it all depends on how aboriginal they get in, as discounts abatement over altered tiers of the allotment process. The adamantine cap of GET tokens is 36,900,000 GET out of which alone 28,348,649 GET abide for the capital ICO.

What was the government and parliament’s accident was GUTS’ gain. If they had succeeded in abbreviating accessory ticketing themselves, GUTS may not accept had this amazing opportunity!

Read all about GUTS on the Website: www.guts.tickets.

Images address of GUTS