Micropayments – Interview with the PopChest Team
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Micropayments – Interview with the PopChest Team

THELOGICALINDIAN - PopChest is a new belvedere that uses Bitcoin micropayments to accomplish an assets to its participants PopChest uses bitcoin micropayments to get bodies the agreeable they appetite and anon accolade the artists they love

Also Read: Is Bitcoin The Future of Micropayments?

The startup was built-in from the abstraction that agreeable producers should be awarded by their content. This has motivated the PopChest Aggregation to architecture a belvedere area agreeable producers can be anon compensated by those who appearance their videos. The aggregation is additionally aggravating to decentralize the belvedere the abundant as they can.

To do this, PopChest implemented bitcoin micropayments to advance the eyewitness acquaintance by accepting rid of ads and accepting an undistributed examination experience. For agreeable creators, PopChest provides an befalling to access their assets and accept their pay in a added clearly manner while authoritative it auditable on the Blockchain.

PopChest is a Santa Monica-based Bitcoin video startup. PopChest does not absorb YouTube or any third-party video sites. Content creators can upload videos to the aggregation servers. After the video is processed, the user can bury the PopChest-enabled video on their own armpit or articulation aback to a folio on PopChest.com and alpha earning.PopChest_article_image_Bitcoinist

Users can alleviate their admired agreeable artlessly by advantageous in bitcoin. This enables an about absolutely decentralized administration of the assets generated. After uploading a video, agreeable providers again go to PopChest and access the URL. The belvedere will again aftermath a PopChest URL that bodies can accord to admirers for watching the video.

To apperceive added about PopChest and the belvedere decentralization process, Bitcoinist had a chat with Valerian Bennett, the belvedere Creator, and James Poole PopChest abstruse arch chief:

Valerian – Right now, we are added “democratized” rather than absolutely decentralized. Eventually, PopChest can run as a DAO on top of a P2P media administration network. Until those technologies complete and become consumer-friendly, we accept to accommodate the best account we can with what is accessible today.

Valerian – PopChest looks at the bitcoin Blockchain to verify acquittal afore carrying media. Agreeable providers are paid anon by consumers. This is the aboriginal footfall in alteration the antithesis of online media distribution. Right now, best of the rewards go to the commitment platforms (YouTube, Facebook) and their announcement brokers (MCNs) while the absolute artists get debris and admirers get nothing. Our aboriginal ambition is to use bitcoin to get a bigger block of the pie for agreeable creators. As time goes on, we’ll acquaint means for admirers to get compensated for their time and attention…the way it should be!

Valerian – I am Valerian Bennett. I alive and assignment in Los Angeles as a arrangement television editor (The Real World, RuPaul’s Drag Race, Epic Meal Time — and I accept a accomplishments in documentary filmmaking and music videos (University of Southern California Cinema-Television degree). I created TheProtocol.TV out of my activity for the world-changing possibilities of Bitcoin. My achievement was to use bitcoin micropayments rather than announcement to abutment the site. When I couldn’t acquisition a band-aid to ample my needs I accomplished out to the Bitcoin association for help.

That’s how I met my abstruse co-founder, James Poole. He is an architect at RSA and was the aboriginal being to alive audience bitcoin micropayment channels. We hit it off and began assignment on what would ultimately become PopChest.

James – I originally got absorbed in the micropayments abstraction back cerebration about how it is about absurd to buy annihilation costing beneath than a dollar application a acclaim card today.  I anticipation there could be some air-conditioned use cases area items could be bought with pay-as-you-go appearance for article like bandwidth or admission to services, or alike advantageous thousandths of a cent per API alarm on some web service.  This led me bottomward the aisle of arena with some of the cipher and accomplishing some abstracts with acquittal channels. 

It seems like today we are still aggravating to prove or belie that micropayments can alleviate amount and acquisition a absolute use case.  It is adamantine to apperceive if we haven’t apparent any absorption for these casework because the bitcoin user abject is so small, the casework are not yet absolutely congenital out, or if there isn’t absolutely a charge for them in the aboriginal place.  

Obviously I anticipate there is a abundant befalling to use micropayments to monetize all sorts of use cases, or I wouldn’t be alive on PopChest.  PopChest_article_image1_BitcoinistI anticipate that it will initially ambition the “long tail” of the use cases area there is no acceptable monetization option.  For example, if you are a video ambassador on the internet and you accept 10,000 circadian angle of your videos, again there is no botheration monetizing it through absolute ad networks.  The botheration comes in for bodies with 100 circadian angle (or alike less).  How do these guys get paid?  We anticipate that if the user abject has admission to Bitcoin and accessible interface to pay for video content, again a ambassador can acquire over 10x what they would accept fabricated from ads. Some admirers will pay to skip ads and some may aloof donate.  I alone abhorrence advertisements and would acquiescently pay a few cents to save a minute of my time by absence ads.

In accepted I anticipate the micropayment amplitude is about accouterment options.  We accommodate options to agreeable producers to acquisition new means to monetize their media and for admirers to absorb it.  If bitcoin keeps growing and becomes added commonplace, I absolutely anticipate we will see it accessible some of these use cases.

Valerian – The activity is beyond our expectations. We aloof opened for beta testers at PopChest.com and our account is overflowing. I’m absolutely aflame about the abutting few weeks as we absolution this technology into the agrarian and see what our users do with it.

Micropayments are an important affection enabled by the Bitcoin technology. As affairs involving a actual baby sum of money accept been fabricated absurd by the accepted banking institutions, Bitcoin micropayments accept become the best another to use in barter for article fabricated accessible online.

A appropriate blazon of arrangement is appropriate for such payments, which are too baby to be achievable for processing through acclaim agenda companies. Fortunately, the Bitcoin technology enabled companies and Startups like PopChest to use micropayments acceptance them to break this problem.

Image Source: Popchest

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