‘The Blockchain and Us’: A New Documentary on Bitcoin Tech Changing the World
bitcoin technology

‘The Blockchain and Us’: A New Documentary on Bitcoin Tech Changing the World

THELOGICALINDIAN - A new documentary filmcalled The Blockchain and Us was appear aftermost anniversary exploringhow Blockchain technology can change the apple in a allusive way

A documentary blur dubbed “The Blockchain and Us” by Manuel Stagars has been appear aftermost week. The 8-part documentary focuses on what blockchain technology is and the amusing and bread-and-butter appulse it can accept in the world, if its abeyant is auspiciously harnessed.


The examination description reads:

The 30-minute continued documentary appearance cuts from several interviews with industry leaders like Christian Decker from Blockstream, Perianne Boring Founder & President at the Chamber of Digital Commerce, Taylor Gerring Co-Founder at Ethereum, Matthew Roszak Co-Founder & Chairman of Bloq, and abounding more.

The documentary does not focus on the abstruse aspects of blockchain technology and should not be beheld as an anterior video. Instead, the blur seeks to accord a high-level appearance of the blockchain “far from hype” and “starts a chat about its added implications” in several aspects of our society.

In the aboriginal segment, the interviewees call their aboriginal acquaintance with blockchain technology. An acquaintance that has afflicted abounding lives but usually starts off with a compression of disbelief. Most bodies were quick to abolish Bitcoin and the blockchain already they run into it for the aboriginal time, but abounding acknowledgment to it afterwards compassionate how it works and the abeyant it has to change the world.

Matthew Roszak Co-Founder & Chairman of Bloq, aggregate his experience:

Here, the documentary delves into a high-level account of what blockchain technology is and what makes it tick, and what we can do with it.

Image aftereffect for R. Jesse McWaters

R. Jesse McWaters Financial Innovation Lead at the World Economic Forum, explained:

This affiliate focuses on how blockchain technology can access assorted industries and aspects of our association like banking inclusion, identity, and IoT.

Image aftereffect for Rik Willard

Rik Willard, Founder & Managing Director at Agentic Group, said:

Chapter 4 talks about the basement that is actuality congenital about blockchain technology, the business opportunities that appear from it and how acceptable industries are ambidextrous with and adapting to this confusing new technology.

Image aftereffect for Paul Meeusen

Paul Meeusen, Head Finance and Treasury Services at Swiss Re, stated:

This articulation explores how big banking institutions will apparatus blockchain technology through apathetic advancement processes and how some of these institutions are afraid to acquire this abstruse shift, while others are actively researching and testing the technology to break advanced of the curve.

Image aftereffect for Caitlin Long

Caitlin Long, Chairman of the Board & President at Symbiont.io, explained:

An estimated 74% of the apple citizenry (according to the Apple Bank) do not accept admission to basal banking casework provided by Banks. Chapter 6 explores how Blockchain technology can acutely change the banking admittance mural and acquiesce bodies to collaborate with the apple abridgement in a abundant added allusive way than micro-finance institutions and added alternatives.

Eric Van der Kleij, Founder OF Adeptra, London Tech City, Level39 and adviser to the UKGovernment bidding his assessment on the subject:

Blockchain technology can be advised the fourth abstruse revolution. With it appear the aforementioned concerns, which is the accident of jobs due to automation. Blockchain technology has the ability to cut out institutions that act as intermediaries or “middlemen”, including banks themselves.

This affiliate delves into this affair and how assorted bodies apperceive it. Dolfi Müller, Mayor of the City of Zug stated:

In the eighth and final affiliate of the Blockchain and Us documentary, interviewees accurate their thoughts on how blockchain technology can be implemented on a beyond calibration and how it can affect our lives. From an abstraction to a all-encompassing revolution, blockchain technology is actuality to break and has the abeyant to change the apple in a allusive way.

Guido Rudolphi, Founder of Cryptocash:

The documentary can be apparent here.

Full interviews can be seen here.

Do you anticipate Blockchain can absolutely change the apple for the better? Share your thoughts below!

Images address of Angel.co, Linkedin, Blockchain-newyork.com, Caitlin-long.com, Twitter, Shutterstock