Bitcoin Uncensored: Zcash Is a Scam and Andreas Is a Homo
bitcoin uncensored

Bitcoin Uncensored: Zcash Is a Scam and Andreas Is a Homo

THELOGICALINDIAN - Chris DeRose and Junseth are aback at it afresh with Episode 52 of the Bitcoin Uncensored podcast talking about the latest Bitcoin and blockchain account in the best abhorrent way accessible

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A big affair of altercation on this week’s adventure focuses on the contempo Zcash launch, and why the guys anticipate the cryptocurrency is a scam. While Chris and Junseth didn’t absorb too abundant time scam-busting, they fabricated some accent credibility adjoin Zcash.

The cryptocurrency association has been hyping Zcash for months, and back it assuredly launched, markets went wild.

Initially, the bread exceeded $5,000 USD per bread — with a actual bound cardinal of bill accessible on exchanges — putting Zcash into the spotlight.

New York Times reporter Nathaniel Popper gave big boilerplate absorption to the bill with his October 31 article, “Zcash, a Harder-to-Trace Virtual Currency, Generates Price Frenzy.”

Popper covered a abrupt history and overview of Zcash arch up to its release, account the akin of abutment developer Zooko Wilcox and his aggregation accustomed from activists and scientists at Johns Hopkins University and MIT. Popper additionally acclaimed the $3 actor in allotment the aggregation accustomed from Silicon Valley investors.

Despite the action and antecedent moon-level prices, Zcash’s amount began falling anon afterwards its launch, with holders auctioning for accumulation about immediately. Nevertheless, the bread still retained cogent value, account 2 bitcoins (roughly $1,606) at columnist time.

However, Chris and Junseth aren’t convinced. The abiding skeptics, the duo aloft several questions about the angary of Zcash.

To acquisition out why the guys anticipate Zcash is untrustworthy, you’ll accept to accept to the podcast on SoundCloud. The adventure covers a lot of added absorbing capacity as well, including a altercation on the Crypto Cannabis Conference, and whether or not Andreas Antonopoulos is a homo.

Listen to the adventure in abounding below: