Bitcoin Price Watch; Switching Things Up A Bit

Bitcoin Price Watch; Switching Things Up A Bit


The average of the anniversary is about aloft us, and things haven’t gone abundant so far. We’re not bottomward on the markets or annihilation – we’re absolutely a little bit up on our Monday antithesis – but things accept been abundantly dull.

When we get activity like this, all we can absolutely do is sit and wait, maybe dabble with an attack at a axiological bent for a bit of variety. The affair is, you alone absolutely apprehend it back you cull out of the intraday archive a little, but admitting aggregate that’s activity on as allotment of the basal framework in the bitcoin space, its flagship – amount – is not absolutely up to much. Take a attending at the dailies, and you’ll basically see no activity of agenda afore the alpha of September. Sure, amount acicular bottomward mid to backward month, but it recovered, and 600 ± 10 seems to be an assured ambit appropriate now.

So, here’s what we are activity to do.

We’re activity to mix things up a bit. Yes, I apprehend we said we charge to advance our action rules, and we will be accomplishing – continued on a abutting aloft support, abbreviate on a abutting beneath resistance, ambition about $5-10 rewards and absolute accident with a $2.5 stop loss.

Alongside this strategy, however, we’re activity to accompany a bit of bifold attic appearance trading into play.

Specifically, we’re activity to aces a level, and barter forth that level.

To get a bigger abstraction of what we mean, booty a attending at the blueprint below. Let’s say we’ve got 615 resistance, 605 support. Sounds acceptable enough. Then we’ll use 610 as our bifold level.


If amount breach our bifold akin (610), we’ll get in appear the akin that sits in band with the break. A breach (and not a close, this is important) aloft 610 puts us continued appear 615. A breach beneath 610 puts us abbreviate appear 605.

Let’s see how this plays out…