$600 Million: MicroStrategy Announces Plan to Raise Money to Buy More Bitcoin

$600 Million: MicroStrategy Announces Plan to Raise Money to Buy More Bitcoin

THELOGICALINDIAN - It has been a almost asperous accomplished few canicule for Bitcoin with the cryptocurrencys amount activity growing more abundant as it struggles to breach out of the 50000 attrition that it has been ashore beneath

The criterion agenda asset has apparent some acute selloffs, but anniversary one has been asleep throughout the accomplished few days.

Despite this anemic amount action, a massive arrival of new basic may be imminent, acknowledgment to MicroStrategy. The aggregation appear affairs to accession almost $600 actor – all of which would be acclimated to add to their BTC reserves.

Bitcoin Struggles to Gain Momentum Following $50,000 Rejection 

At the time of writing, Bitcoin is trading up aloof beneath 2% at its accepted amount of $48,800, which marks a notable abatement from its circadian highs of about $51,000.

The affairs burden aloft $50,000 is cogent and has acquired the absolute bazaar to face some immense inflows of affairs burden as of late.

Until it can cast this akin into support, the cryptocurrency could see some immense affairs burden that drives it lower.

This Company is About to Buy Another $600m Worth of BTC

MicroStrategy pioneered the trend of about listed companies abacus BTC to their antithesis sheets, and they’re agog on abacus alike more.

The aggregation announced in a columnist absolution today that they are adopting addition $600m via a convertible chief agenda alms to use the advance to buy added Bitcoin.

This could accommodate Bitcoin with a addition in the mid-term and may alike advice it breach through its $50,000 attrition level.