Alex Winter Delves Into His New ‘Deep Web’ Documentary

Alex Winter Delves Into His New ‘Deep Web’ Documentary

THELOGICALINDIAN - Deep Web is the untold adventure of bitcoin the Silk Road and the aphotic corners of the abysmal web The documentary blur offers an absolute attending into the Ulbricht ancestors and the abominable online atramentous bazaar that has become one of the best ballsy acknowledged battles in the history of bitcoin

Also read: Secret Service and DEA Steal Silk Road Bitcoins and Extort Money From Ulbricht

Deep Web Documentary

In an attack to bare hidden truths abaft Silk Road, Deep Web explores the ambiguous apple we alarm the “deep web,” or “dark net.” It is a amplitude on the internet that offers anonymity and one that has historically offered ambush from backbreaking governments.

A must-see for all bitcoin enthusiasts and those amorous about their civilian liberties, Deep Web confronts some of the best acute issues of our time. Deep Web makes the affiliation amid agenda currencies like bitcoin and how they chronicle to our freedoms online.

“The Silk Road reflects ‘where we are as a culture.'” – Alex Winter

Alex Winter, who wrote, directed, and co-produced Deep Web, batten to Bitcoinist about his new blur and aggregate his opinions on the Silk Road case. Alex said he capital to actualize the documentary because of the acceptation of Silk Road and because it touches on abounding issues we face in the agenda age.

One of the best altered aspects of Deep Web is its absolute admission to the Ulbricht family. Viewers get a attenuate attending central Lyn Ulbricht’s adventure to action for amends for her son, Ross Ulbricht. The blur additionally offers a altered angle on Ross Ulbricht than you may accept apparent in the media.

Some of the added key bodies featured in the documentary accommodate Andy Greenberg, the aboriginal anchorman to account “Dread Pirate Roberts,” Amir Taaki, British autonomous and programmer, and attenuate interviews with Silk Road vendors.

Filming Deep Web

According to Alex, filming Deep Web came with some different challenges. Since the Silk Road balloon was still unfolding, things were consistently changing. Alex said filming Deep Web presented the claiming of “not alive what was activity to appear from one day to the next.” The filming of Deep Web took abode over the advance of 2 years in assorted locations worldwide.

I asked Alex about his acquaintance with the Silk Road vendors featured in Deep Web. Alex said he accomplished out to them and some were acquisitive to allotment their message. These vendors acquainted the armpit had been blurred and capital to explain the altruistic motives abaft the Silk Road.

As they call in the film, the Silk Road was founded on autonomous attempt as able-bodied as the admiration to abate biologic violence. They believed a ample antecedent of this abandon stemmed from the War on Drugs.

“There bare to be a abandon reduction” in affairs drugs, says one dealer, apropos both to assemblage warfare and agitated raids by law enforcement.

Viewers may be afraid to apprehend what these bodies accept to say and it abounding actual able-bodied redefine the average of what it agency to be a “drug dealer.” Alex aggregate in a antecedent interview that back he met with these Silk Road vendors, they appeared to be intelligent, educated, and clear people.

Ross Ulbricht

D.P.R. – A Hero or Villian?

During the interview, I acquainted I bare to accost the affair of the Dread Pirate Roberts. So I asked Alex if he anticipation D.P.R. was a hero or a villain. He remarked that he begin it difficult to accomplish this quick judgement. Believing one way or the added is difficult because of the case’s abridgement of affirmation and clarity.

The D.P.R. is a “fictitious username,” Alex reminded us. One Silk Road bell-ringer in the blur alike claimed the username D.P.R. was acclimated by added than one being on the armpit — up to three altered bodies according to his account.

Government In the Digital Age

The Silk Road case has become belled not aloof because of its “dark” nature, but how it has been handled by the government. Some may call these accomplishments as ambiguous or alike outrageous.

The Silk Road case credibility to above bribery and bent in the amends system, from government agents burglary millions of dollars in bitcoin during the investigation, denial this advice in the trial, and the actuality the government may accept afraid into the Silk Road server. Alex shares his point of appearance on the Silk Road investigation:

Despite the accessible blackmail of such bribery to a fair analysis or trial, Ross Ulbricht was denied a retrial. He is apprehension sentencing on May 15, 2024.

Deep Web leaves admirers with afire questions like: What does the Silk Road case beggarly for the approaching of internet privacy? How will approaching agenda crimes be handled by the law? Does the appropriate to a fair balloon absolutely exist? and Is Ross Ulbricht an adulterous bent or a amount of martyrdom?

Deep Web premieres May 31 @ 8pm EST on Epix

Do you anticipate the government should acquiesce online biologic markets like Silk Road to move the biologic barter off the street? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

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