Amazon Web Service Outage Shows Need for Decentralized Cloud Computing

Amazon Web Service Outage Shows Need for Decentralized Cloud Computing

THELOGICALINDIAN - Editors agenda This commodity has been adapted to fix a typo The aboriginal argument declared that there was a acceleration in errors for Amazon S2 requests The adapted argument states that it was Amazon S3

This morning, Amazon Web Services (AWS) underwent a above billow outage, causing both its Elastic Compute Billow and Simple Storage Service solutions to accept abounding appeal errors in the United States. AWS is a billow accretion solutions provider ran by Amazon, a aggregation best accepted for its ample online retail network

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08bits-amazon-tmagArticleAmazon began investigating a acceleration in errors for requests fabricated to Amazon S3 in the US-STANDARD arena at 12:36 AM PDT. Just a few account afterwards this analysis began, the aggregation appear alike added errors for the EC2 APIs and barrage failures for EC2 instances in Amazon’s US-EAST-1 region. Additionally, AWS accomplished acute latencies in its SendEmail, SendRawEmail, and Send SMTPEmail APIs in the US-EAST-1 region.

Two AWS customers, Heroku and GitHub, accept accepted that they accept accomplished issues due to the AWS outage. Heroku appear that barter could not advance changes to their apps, while GitHub users saw added absurdity ante on athenaeum absolution downloads and affair angel uploads.

Amazon appear at 1:52 AM PDT that:

Finally, at 3:46 AM PDT, Amazon notified barter that its AWS errors had been adapted and casework had alternate to accustomed operations.

AWS Outage Highlights Need for Decentralized Alternatives

The basis of the botheration with this morning’s abeyance lies in the actuality that AWS is a centralized billow accretion service, acceptation it has a axial point of failure. Problems in one breadth of AWS’ casework could advance to problems for the blow of its customers, as Amazon’s servers and abutment casework are all centralized. Using some affectionate of decentralized arrangement — such as a blockchain-based another — would around annihilate the achievability of above account outages like the one accomplished by AWS barter this morning. With a blockchain another to centralized billow computing, one bulge may go down, but there would be endless others to aces up the slack, anniversary one able of abandoning abstracts from the blockchain. With this adjustment of billow computing, affairs that users would acquaintance any cogent bulk of billow blow are acutely low.

An archetype of  decentralized, blockchain-based billow accretion is Storj, a decentralized billow accumulator service. Storj is anchored by a peer-to-peer arrangement powered by the blockchain, which ensures that stored abstracts is never absent and is consistently available. Certainly, as billow accretion becomes added of a call in our avant-garde world, added problems acquired by centralized casework will advance bodies to drift appear decentralized alternatives agnate to Storj.

Do you anticipate a decentralized billow accretion band-aid would anticipate outages like the one AWS experienced? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Sources: InformationAge, TechWeek Europe

Images address of Logi Analytics, The New York Times