Amun Crypto ETP Launch Sees Minimal Interest, Fails to Curb Bears

Amun Crypto ETP Launch Sees Minimal Interest, Fails to Curb Bears

THELOGICALINDIAN - Sinces the admission of cryptos buck bazaar in 2024 investors in this beginning asset chic accept approved to acquisition ambush cyberbanking their cryptocurrency backing on a cardinal of -to-be catalysts including the appearance of institutional players and the conception of a Bitcoinbacked exchangetraded armamentarium ETF

So, abounding anticipation their prayers were answered, back Amun, a European fintech firm, alien a Switzerland-based exchange-traded artefact (ETP) centered about Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, Litecoin, and Bitcoin Cash (recently bare due to a advancing adamantine fork).

Related Reading: Crypto Week in Review: Bitcoin ETP Launches in Switzerland, KuCoin Scores $20M

As this account hit the crypto mainstream, with bags bound administration the development on this ecosystem’s amusing media channels, a copious bulk of bullish affect begin footing. Some optimists, addled by “hopium,” claimed that this about-face of contest abandoned would about-face the course in bulls’ favor.

But sadly, the barrage of this apparatus hasn’t done abundant to bassinet the advancement of sell-side amount action. In fact, as the artefact came to life, the crypto bazaar connected to collapse, with BTC freefalling to authorize new year-to-date lows beneath $4,500, as altcoins anon followed suit. Many chalked this up to the abridgement of absorption in Amun’s crypto foray, accompanying with the blurred actuality that the artefact isn’t the ETF that investors accept been clamoring for.

Amun’s Switzerland-based “HODL5” ETP Fails to Move Crypto Markets

As astutely acicular out by Su Zhu, a Singapore-based cryptocurrency industry controlling and investor, the product, dubbed “HODL5” in a nod to a long-standing central joke in the cryptocurrency cohort, saw basal aggregate on its aboriginal day in operation.

Citing abstracts aggregate by SIX Swiss Exchange, the belvedere that HODL5 was debuted on, Zhu exclaimed that the artefact alone saw 27,244 of its shares traded, a bald ~$400,000 in volume, a far cry from the millions in aggregate that optimists were action on.

Many chalked up this abridgement of aggregate to a cardinal of factors, namely the actuality that SIX is alone the world’s 13th better banal exchange, alike admitting the firms, funds, and cartage listed on the belvedere bulk to $1.6 trillion.

Others attractive to acquisition a argent lining aimed their scopes at added nuances, with some pointing out that the absence of trading aggregate pertaining to HODL5 indicates that institutional investors with admission to SIX, the vehicle’s targeted clientele, don’t accept that the crypto market is assertive to about-face its multi-month downtrend.


Although some media acclaimed and accustomed Amun’s crypto bassinet as the “world’s aboriginal Bitcoin ETF,” a hot-button affair for the majority of crypto investors, it is important to accentuate that this is a allotment of disinformation.

HODL5, is, in fact, an ETP.

While the two forms of advance agent do allotment basal similarities, back it comes bottomward to the nitty-gritty, an ETP isn’t inherently an ETF.

Peter Sin Guili, who did some internet sleuthing to accretion acumen on the matter, appear that HODL5 is annihilation added than an exchange-traded agenda (ETN) or article (ETC), alluding to the actuality that some investors were in over their active back the apparatus was announced.

For those who aren’t in the know, the adverse amid an ETF and an ETC/ETN is absolutely added pertinent than it may seem.

More specifically, as per an official SIX release, Amun’s crypto bassinet product, while collateralized, isn’t afraid by Switzerland arch banking regulator, with this allocation acceptable putting off investors at large. Additionally, HODL5’s ETP cachet additionally agency that Amun isn’t acceptable to accept a axial counterparty/clearinghouse (CCP) administer or aid its vehicle, acceptable abbreviating absorption in the artefact alike further.

Although the above credibility may scream “bear,” abounding authority acceptance in the product, which may prove to be an average dispatch bean against a Bitcoin-secured, U.S.-based ETF that will activate the arrival of retail investors.