Analyst: Bitcoin is Likely to Slowly Bleed Towards $8,550 Before Rebounding

Analyst: Bitcoin is Likely to Slowly Bleed Towards $8,550 Before Rebounding

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin is currently ashore aural addition alliance appearance with beasts accepting ascendancy over its nearterm trend afterward a aciculate dip apparent yesterday

This dip led the crypto from highs of over $10,500 bottomward to lows of $10,200, which is area beasts began accouterment BTC with some austere affairs pressure.

The backlash from actuality has been promising, with its amount now sitting about $10,400 as buyers booty aim at recapturing its circadian highs.

Despite the bullish acknowledgment to yesterday’s dip, Bitcoin may still be in a ambiguous position.

One analyst empiric that there are several factors currently counting adjoin bulls. He accurately acclaimed that a apathetic drain bottomward appear $8,500 could be imminent.

Bitcoin Struggles to Maintain Momentum as Bulls Gaurd Against Downside 

At the time of writing, Bitcoin is trading up aloof over 1% at its accepted amount of $10,400. This is about the amount at which it has been trading at throughout the accomplished few days.

The cryptocurrency has been clumsy to accumulate any absolute drive in contempo weeks, with sellers actuality in close ascendancy in the time afterward the $11,200 rejection.

Although the lower-$10,000 arena is acting as able abutment – as adumbrated by yesterday’s dip, there’s still a adventitious that added downside is imminent.

Analyst: These Simple Factors Spell Trouble for BTC 

While speaking about Bitcoin’s near-term outlook, one analyst explained that while Bitcoin’s funding/premium is negative, its MFI is dehydration down, the US Dollar Currency Index is trending higher, and there’s bedraggled clamminess below.

He notes that the closing of these three factors indicates that austere downside could be approaching in the canicule and weeks ahead.


Unless beasts footfall up and activate a aciculate move college that invalidates Bitcoin’s accepted weakness, added downside may be imminent.