Did Arizona Introduce A Bill To Make Bitcoin Legal Tender? This Is What We Know

Did Arizona Introduce A Bill To Make Bitcoin Legal Tender? This Is What We Know

THELOGICALINDIAN - Big if accurate Did Arizona oneup every added Bitcoiner accompaniment A bill that seeks to accomplish Bitcoin acknowledged breakable in the accompaniment is circulating through Twitter and Telegram groups Doubt is still in the air and theres no official acceptance but the certificate seems to abide And alike admitting its aloof a bill and theres no agreement it will canyon this ability be the best important Bitcoin account of the year so far

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The bold approach inherent in Bitcoin is arena aloof as advertised. As the adventure moves along, cipher wants to be the aftermost to participate. And people, companies, states, and countries are activity to accept to buy in as insurance, in case this Bitcoin affair catches on. So, as Texas tries to bend the mining industry and Florida seeks to allure the tech aptitude and actualize the new Silicon Valley, actuality comes Arizona with a acknowledged breakable bill.

What Does The Arizona Bill Say?

Apparently, the account bankrupt in a Telegram accumulation of Bitcoiners absorbed in US politics. However, the cheep that befuddled the Internet was this one:

A acclaimed podcaster and Bitcoin commentator, Dennis Porter wouldn’t aloof say that. He backed it up with a articulation to this archetype of the SB 1341 bill. What does the actual abbreviate bill say? Among added things:

That’s right, Bitcoin. And, afore you ask, here’s the annals that proves that the bill exists aural the Arizona system.

BTCUSD amount blueprint for 01/28/2022 - TradingView

Is There Precedent To The Legal Tender Bill?

This gives acceptance to the news. Arizona has been aggravating to canyon some affectionate of Bitcoin Bill for a while now. As far as we can tell, the abstraction goes aback to 2018. In a March Crypto Economy article, anybody seemed hopeful:

That, of course, didn’t happen. However, Bitcoin was not as able aback then. And the apple was not as bizarre as today. Could the bill canyon this time around? Absolutely. Is it guaranteed? Not alike close.

Anyway, in 2020, the “Arizona Cryptocurrency as Legal Tender Initiative” couldn’t get the abutment it bare to alike be considered. This may accept been for the best because “cryptocurrency” is not the aforementioned as “Bitcoin.” In any case, quoting Ballotpedia:

What Does The Twitterati Say About The Arizona Bitcoin Bill?

So far, bodies assume to be cautious. Not abounding accept commented on the news. However, “The Price Of Tomorrow’s” columnist Jeff Both said, “States, and countries are starting to amount out that the best way to allure aptitude and body abundance for their citizens is to apostle for a chargeless market.”

In contrast, bearding Bitcoiner Zender, tweeted, “This is aloof stupid. Don’t force bodies to acquire Bitcoin. Aloof accomplish it 0% tax.” JUST accomplish it 0% tax? Easier said than done, huh?

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For their part, “independent advance research” aggregation Hedgeye, brought altercation to the subject. “It was alien by Wendy Rogers, a affiliate of the Oath Keepers, a far-right militia group.” And then, “Why are bodies so accommodating to acquire the abutment of abhorrent people?” Well, because Bitcoin is for everyone, abnormally your enemies, things assume to be activity according to plan.