Athena Crowdfunds Greek Modeling Show!

Athena Crowdfunds Greek Modeling Show!

THELOGICALINDIAN - With the bread-and-butter and political agitation occurring in Greece appropriate now Greece is acceptable beneath adorable in a tourists angle While abounding are absorption on bread-and-butter or political ameliorate to get Greece out of the aperture it is in not abounding are because approaches to abating tourism Greece is commonly a big day-tripper allure and bodies do not apprehend absent acquirement from a atrophy in tourism could go a continued way to allowance the nation of Greece get aback on its feet

Disclaimer: This commodity was provided by Bitcoin PR Buzz. Bitcoinist is not affiliated with Athena and is not amenable for its articles and/or services.

Athena-Screenshot-1080x675This is alteration with the accomplished new activity Athena is undertaking. Debuting the aboriginal absoluteness clay TV appearance in Greece that is accepted to be hosted on the island of Agistri, the appearance already has a lot of backing. Fully accurate from the Agistri Ambassador and Local mayor, Athena additionally has abetment from several heavyweights in the cryptocurrency sphere, such as Jetcoin, Coinstructors, Drachmae, NXT 2.0 Blockchain technology, SuperNET, NautilusCoin, and alike Bitcoin PR Buzz.

For the final advance in adjustment to air the TV show, Athena is axis to an indiegogo attack and is allurement for 450,000 GBP. Backing starts as low as $1 with rewards alignment from the befalling to be a Director on-set and in the credits, time with the models, T shirts, as able-bodied as all-encompassing aggregation advocacy bales that accommodate PR campaigns and high-profile announcement for aggregation sponsors.

There are 6 canicule larboard to go as of 8/21/15 and so far 113 GBP has been raised. Athena autonomous for adjustable allotment however, so alike if they don’t ability their goal, they will use whatever funds calm for the advance of the show.

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