Bet on MMA with Bitcoin: UFC 202, McGregor vs. Diaz

Bet on MMA with Bitcoin: UFC 202, McGregor vs. Diaz

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin continues to be the easiest way to get funds to a sportsbook In actuality a lot of sportsbooks offerdeposit bonuses if you use bitcoin back they additionally save money on fees and chargebacks The muchanticipated rematch of McGregor vs Diaz is this weekend at UFC 202 Lets accept a attending at the allowance and some of the added fights on this ample card

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McGregor was training to action RDA at failing 155, but Rafael dos Anjos had to bead out due to injury. With eight canicule notice, Diaz took the fight. After demography some punches and accepting cut, Diaz fabricated it through annular one. Annular two was all Diaz, and he concluded up acceptable the action via acquiescence in the additional round.

What is altered this time around? These two were set to action at UFC 200, but due to McGregor accepting disagreements with the UFC apropos media dates and promotion, the bender was removed from the agenda and rescheduled for UFC 202.

McGregor has reportedly spent abutting to $300,000 USD on this training camp. He has brought in bodies to alternation BJJ and challenge Diaz.

While anybody is talking about McGregor, abounding accept abandoned that Diaz did not accept a abounding affected aftermost time — while Mc Gregor did. The action was at a college weight chic than McGregor was training for, but the actuality remains. This time, Diaz will accept a abounding affected abaft him.

McGregor will be alarming in circuit one and two, but I apprehend Diaz to be bluff than the aftermost fight. This action actuality bristles circuit puts Diaz at an advantage, back he has some of the best cardio in MMA.

According to the odds, Diaz is the underdog, alike admitting he won the aftermost fight. I am activity with Diaz to win currently at 1.95-2.00 at best sportsbooks.

Neil Magny vs. Lorenz Larkin

The featured action of the aboriginal prelims includes Magny, who is advancing off a achievement of the night achievement over Hector Lumbard. Magny will face off adjoin Lorenz Larkin, who is advancing off a win of his own adjoin Masvidal.

Magny, who is currently a slight favorite, uses his angry and aggregate of strikes to win fights. He has acceptable angry and takedowns, but his button is questionable, and his arresting — although bigger — still is not that great.

Larkin is accepted for his abstruse striking. He has apple-pie and brittle arresting and does not decay abundant movement back he strikes. He additionally has acceptable appraisal defense. Since he does not await on agrarian haymakers and looping punches, Larkin does not accessible himself up to actuality taken bottomward as abundant as fighters that accept a added bouncy style. The capital affair adjoin Larkin is that he is sometimes not alive abundant — apparent in his breach accommodation accident to Tomolov.

I can see Larkin capacity takedowns and geting some acceptable strikes in adjoin Magny. If Magny can not get this action to the ground, it is activity to be a continued night for him. I’m activity with Larkin as the underdog as my pick. You can get Larkin at 2.10-2.20

Are you with Diaz or McGregor? Let us apperceive in the comments below.