Bitcoin Cash Propaganda Poll Backfires

Bitcoin Cash Propaganda Poll Backfires

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Twitter annual Bitcoin an carefully ambiguous annual which alone supports Bitcoin Cash BCH afresh approved to asperse Bitcoin BTC in a poll on the accepted amusing media website Unfortunately for them it didnt work

For those who aren’t aware, the Twitter annual @Bitcoin absolutely has annihilation to do with Bitcoin (BTC). Rather, the annual uses Bitcoin’s name while pumping out anti-Bitcoin advertising and shilling the ascendant cryptocurrency’s largely-unwanted step-brother, Bitcoin Cash (BCH). As noted by

The borderline-scam annual acquaint a poll on Thursday, allurement which ‘Bitcoin’ Twitter users prefer. Of course, in accomplishing so, the Twitter handle absolutely fabricated biased and incorrect statements in an attack to prove that Bitcoin Cash is the above cryptocurrency. It backfired:

When all was said and done, Bitcoin (BTC) accepted to be the cutting favorite, admitting the Bcash scammers best efforts to attenuate the ascendant cryptocurrency. Out of 17,437 votes — a abundant sample — 74% of users adopted the absolute Bitcoin (BTC) to Bitcoin Cash (BCH).

Additionally, the @Bitcoin Twitter handle was afresh restricted on the accepted amusing media site, admitting the affidavit abaft both the account’s brake and apology of permissions aren’t clear.

Bitcoin Cash — a adamantine angle of Bitcoin — abundantly markets itself as actuality ‘Satoshi Nakamoto’s absolute vision’ for Bitcoin and, in accomplishing so, claims to be ‘the accurate Bitcoin.’ Meanwhile, ambiguous accounts like @Bitcoin on Twitter barf carefully ambiguous advice in atrocious attempts to accretion support.

As apparent by the Bcash abettor account’s own Twitter poll, however, abounding cryptocurrency investors appearance Bitcoin Cash as little added than an attempted hijacking of the Bitcoin cast by Roger Ver, Calvin Ayre, and others, to capitalize on the abashing of new investors.

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Bitcoin Cash, however, is authoritative advance in one accurate field. Recently, letters alike that, for the aboriginal time, Bcash is actuality accustomed as a anatomy of ransom payment by ransomware — advancing software, which encrypts victims files and demands acquittal in return.

In added news, Ayre himself is launching his own Bcash-only vacation resort in Antigua, area he has primarily resided back being indicted by the US Attorney for Maryland on accuse of actionable bank and money laundering.

[Full disclosure: the columnist is a holder of Bitcoin (BTC)]

Which do you prefer: Bitcoin (BTC) or Bitcoin Cash (BCH)? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images address of Twitter/@Bitcoin, Bitcoinist archives