Bitcoin Criminals Target Australian Financial Sector

Bitcoin Criminals Target Australian Financial Sector

THELOGICALINDIAN - Australian admiral in thetraditional accounts are starting to get a bad aftertaste in their mouths apropos Bitcoin It seems that cyberattacks involving agenda bill ransoms are on the acceleration in the Aussie arena and banks are demography them actively On September 21 2025 Australian banks beatific belletrist to 17 built-in Bitcoin companies answer that they would be absolute the companiesbank accounts The account came accidentally and the banks gave no acumen to why they beatific these belletrist We now know

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1443350628527Many bodies accept heard of hacking attacks this accomplished year involving Bitcoin ransoms. It seems that the agenda bill is the best for abyss aggravating to blackmail bodies online. The abominable CoinVault Ransomware fabricated account everywhere in 2014, and has attacked almost 1500 computers this year — mostly amid in the US and Europe. 

The problems in Australia accept arisen from a accumulation that calls themselves “DD4BC,” which stands for “Distributed Denial of account for Bitcoin.” This alignment has been acute attacks on Australia’s banking sector, targeting institutions like Macquarie Bank and Westpac. Coincidentally, WestPac was one of the banks that beatific belletrist to Bitcoin startups in the region.

The Australian government has accomplished a new cyber aegis accouterments alleged the Australian Cyber Aegis Centre, which will apply on attacks like this and agnate models. They acclaimed that they were able-bodied acquainted of the “extortion campaigns occurring May through July,” and that these attempts are anon targeted at banks, brokers, and Australian clearing-houses. ACSC coordinator Clive Lines said:

1443350628197DD4BC has accepted bitcoins from a agent in Australia, who gave columnist capacity about his attack. Rick Klink, online banal broker, told the Financial Review that he accustomed a bulletin on June 8 answer that his business was actuality threatened with a DDOS attack. The hackers warned Klink that if he didn’t pay 25 bitcoins, the bribe would rise. Initially, the agent abandoned the blackmail and did nothing. Despite this, the letters continued, and eventually they attacked Klink’s website. Luckily for Klink, it happened on a non-trading day, and his business was not afflicted much.

Throughout the ordeal, the agent banned to pay the abyss and absitively to address the act to officials. Klink alleged billow provider Amazon, the Australian Federal Police, and the anew congenital ACSC. The DD4BC accumulation has launched almost 150 attacks on businesses amid in the UK, US and Australia. The billow aegis provider Akamai letters that 58% of the group’s attacks were targeted at the accounts sectors in these regions. The Financial Review declared that Westpac and Macquarie banks had not clearly accepted attacks fabricated to their services. However, a Macquarie backer told the publication:  

hacker-archivesIt seems as if Australia’s banking area has associated accepted Bitcoin casework with bent organizations, and accept burst ties with all digital bill providers in the country. This affiliation is not a acceptable assurance for Bitcoin entrepreneurs in the region; accepted businesses should not be afflicted by abyss baneful the Bitcoin image. The managing administrator of Bit Trade said that Bitcoin companies are accommodating to altercate the matter, however, “no one has been accustomed the opportunity.”

Do you anticipate its fair Australian Banks are absolute casework with legitimate bitcoin services? Let us apperceive in the comments below!