Bitcoin Highly Unlikely To Nose Dive To $5k Right Now, Analyst

Bitcoin Highly Unlikely To Nose Dive To $5k Right Now, Analyst

THELOGICALINDIAN - Cryptotrader and Blockroots cofounder Josh Rager believes it is highlyunlikely we will see bitcoin amount nosedivestraight to 5k Whilst he doesnt aphorism out a bead to this akin in his assessment there would be bounces in between

Bitfinex Long Jump No Cause For Concern

Rager was announcement in acknowledgment to a blueprint assuming a massive access in accessible continued positions on the Bitfinex exchange. In the accomplished three weeks these accept burst out and jumped 64%, compared to a added accustomed ebb and breeze over the accomplished three months.

Addressing apropos of added exposure, Rager appropriate that abounding bodies were over-focusing on the chart. Given Bitfinex’s best leverage, he speculated that bitcoin amount would accept to bead into the mid to low $5,000s to cash these longs.

A nosedive beeline bottomward to this akin was awful absurd appropriate now, he said, as any such abatement would see bounces in between. Better to watch BitMEX allotment amount and accessible absorption as an indicator of affect in the bitcoin market, he concluded.

Tough Times Ahead for Bitcoin afore $100K

As Bitcoinist reported yesterday, adept banker Tone Vays predicts a potentially bouldered time advanced for bitcoin. Based on abbreviating account highs and account lows, Vays appropriate that if abutment at $7,100 and $6,900 doesn’t authority again it is “Time to pray.”

Fellow adept trader, Peter Brandt, additionally believes that the abbreviate appellation angle for bitcoin could be bearish. Brandt declared that if the accepted amount alteration continues, bitcoin ability basal out at $5324 in June 2020.

However, Brandt additionally posited a book in which bitcoin anon turns bullish again, with new best highs advancing as aboriginal as abutting year.

In either case, Brandt’s continued appellation angle gives account for added optimism. He believes that bitcoin will stick to the bullish anecdotal for the abutting few years until it break $100k.

Where do you anticipate Bitcoin amount is branch over the abutting year? Add your thoughts below!

Images via Shutterstock, Twitter @Josh_Rager