Bitcoin House Taiwan: Enjoy a Slice of Paradise

Bitcoin House Taiwan: Enjoy a Slice of Paradise


Just a few canicule ago, I came beyond an absorbing new activity alleged “Bitcoin House Taiwan”. Not abiding what to accomplish of it at first, I absitively to analysis their cilia on BitcoinTalk and column a reply.  A little while later, Eduard, one of the bodies alive on the project, added me on Skype and started answer it to me. And I accept to say, Bitcoin House Taiwan is not aloof an idea, but it’s a lifestyle.

Also read: Interview with BitLanders CEO Francesco Rulli

The Bitcoin House is an absorbing new activity amid in Cijin, a baby island that is allotment of Taiwan. Cijin is abutting to the Kaohsiung Harbor, a accepted day-tripper destination accepted for its admirable beaches.

The abstraction abaft this activity is simple: creating a space for Bitcoin enthusiasts active and alive in Taiwan. Seeing as how the Bitcoin House architecture was previously a bed & breakfest-esque cafe, it has plenty of amplitude to go around.

“We are acquainted that this activity is not easy, but we accept the drive and discipline to achieve it happen. We are aflame about it, and we do what it takes to achieve this start-up project. You are acceptable to go on this adventure with us.” – Edo

The arena attic is chargeless to use as an appointment or affair space. The top attic has bristles apartment — one of which is currently active by a German freelancer. These apartment can be busy for about 0.6 BTC per month. The account rent includes utilities, and apartment appear with a window, bifold bed, desk, beam fan, and wi-fi. No drop is appropriate to hire one of these rooms. Furthermore, tenants that advance for any of the projects hosted at Bitcoin abode will be paid in bitcoin.

Bitcoinist_BTC House Taiwan MapThe House was accustomed in Taiwan because it is a country of avant-garde technology. Not alone are some of the top smartphone brands amid in Taiwan, but association accept additionally apparent a able absorption in Bitcoin and agenda currency. In fact, you can buy bitcoin in any of the Taiwanese Familymart accessibility stores. Thus, it was alone a amount of time until added Bitcoin projects sprouted up in Taiwan.

Bitcoin House is currently accepting donations to advice pay hire for the architecture while they chase for tenants to ample their rooms. The Bitcoin House Website, affiliated below, provides a QR cipher for donations.

Website: Bitcoin House Taiwan

Images address of Bitcoin House Taiwan, Google Maps, and Paradise in The World.