bitcoin launched


With the access of absorption in Bitcoin over the aftermost 24 months, keywords, trademarks and area names about bitcoin accept become somewhat of a commodity.

Techemy Ltd, a NZ based start-up, has anchored a key area name in the bitcoin space: Http://


Company co-founder and CEO, Fran Strajnar stated:

“After accepting spent 11 months architecture a abiding amount basis (BNC Price-Index via, we capital to action the apple a apple-pie website with a solid area name for 1 reason: Accurate Price-Discovery (and accompanying tools).”

Price-Discovery is the bread-and-butter abstraction of award the amount & amount in a marketplace. This is a basal claim for an arising industry to body articles and casework around.

Strajnar expands with;

“MtGox represented the aggregate of trading in Bitcoin until the end of 2024. It was accessible to ascertain the amount during Gox’s reign. Since then, actually dozens of exchanges accept accessible boutique all about the apple and decidedly no added basis out there, captures anywhere abreast all of this data, authoritative Amount Discovery somewhat questionable. We accept Amount Discovery to be a ‘Public-Good’, and will not be charging for this. Our API is chargeless to use, consistently added-to as new exchanges accessible their doors, authentic & stable. A accessible acceptable for the industry to use”.

What array of casework crave an authentic global-bitcoin-price?

The API is accessible here: