Bitcoin Likely to See Further Downside After Price Fails to Break Key Level

Bitcoin Likely to See Further Downside After Price Fails to Break Key Level

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin has been disturbing to advance its multimonth uptrend with the affairs burden begin aural the upper20240 arena endlessly it from seeing any above assets throughout the accomplished few canicule and weeks

The affairs burden apparent actuality isn’t surprising, as analysts accept continued forecasted that bears would try to avert adjoin a breach aloft the cryptocurrency’s best highs.

Until it can breach aloft this level, it will acceptable abide adverse abiding bouts of consolidation. One banker believes that it may additionally see some austere downside until it can accretion a basement aloft $19,500.

Bitcoin Reclaims $19,000 Following Overnight Selloff 

At the time of writing, Bitcoin is trading bottomward aloof beneath 2% at its accepted amount of $19,100. This marks a austere ascend from its contempo lows of $18,700 set at the basal of the brief decline.

This abatement came about anon afterwards BTC broke highs of $19,500. The actuality that it has already afresh set what appears to be a higher-low is abundantly bullish and could announce that upside is imminent.

Trader Claims BTC’s Downside Potential is Growing as Price Remains Below $19,500

One banker believes that the abridgement of amount accepting aloft $19,500 is a austere assurance that may announce downside is imminent.

He batten about this in a contempo tweet, answer that he expects connected weakness until this akin is durably burst above.


The advancing few canicule should flash a ablaze on Bitcoin’s outlook, as it is currently trading at a cardinal point. Any abatement or acceleration from actuality could actuate its trend throughout early-2021.