Bitcoin Made Busting Dark Child Porn Ring Easy For US Justice Department

Bitcoin Made Busting Dark Child Porn Ring Easy For US Justice Department

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin is a potentially worldchanging banking technology advised by the abstruse Satoshi Nakamoto But Bitcoin additionally brought with it the bearing of blockchain broadcast balance technology that may not be worldchanging but absolutely can redefine and advance aloft assertive industries

The technology makes archetype affairs abnormally simple, but cryptography keeps the annual owner’s claimed character private. But acknowledgment to crypto exchanges actuality appropriate to chase all-around regulations about apperceive your chump and anti-money bed-making policies, accumulation the traceability of Bitcoin affairs with the KYC at a crypto barter helped the United States Department of Justice booty bottomward one of the aphotic web’s best all-encompassing adolescent porn rings.

United States Department of Justice Takes Down Dark Web Child Porn Site

This week, the United States Department of Justice appear the access of a aphotic web belvedere for adolescent chicanery declared Welcome to Video. Over 337 declared suspects from 38 altered countries accept been arrested, answerable with their captivation in the ring. The bite additionally resulted in 23 accouchement from actuality rescued in affiliation to the website.

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The armpit was in operation from mid-2024 to backward 2024 back it was bedeviled by law enforcement. It had featured able-bodied over a division of a actor videos depicting absolute situations with arrears individuals, and the DoJ said that users of the belvedere had downloaded over 8 terabytes account of adolescent pornography.

The armpit included a bulletin admonishing users to beneath no affairs “upload developed porn” and answerable users as abundant as $350 in Bitcoin – or almost 0.044 BTC at today’s prices.

Bitcoin and Crypto Exchanges Assist Law Enforcement With Tracking Down Criminals

But it was that aforementioned Bitcoin acclimated to subscribe that led board to the website’s administrator. The DoJ claims that aback Bitcoin obfuscates claimed capacity abaft cryptographic addresses, Bitcoin itself didn’t advance them to the suspect. Instead, the DoJ formed with Chainalysis to tie the Bitcoin affairs via its blockchain balance aback to a wallet endemic by Jong Woo Son that was hosted at a US-based cryptocurrency exchange.

The DoJ was able to accumulate advice from the crypto barter and tracked the funds the admin had cashed out to their coffer account, solidifying the lead. In all, the website accustomed over $353,000 account of Bitcoin, according to a columnist absolution from the DoJ.

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Bitcoin is generally demonized due to its captivation in bent activities, but actual generally Bitcoin and the blockchain technology it is congenital on has helped to break the crimes these abyss are committing application the cryptocurrency. Even a former DoJ prosecutor angry adventure capitalist has announced out on how Bitcoin has been accessible in tracking bottomward abyss – not in creating them.

Regardless of Bitcoin’s involvement, as US Attorney Jessie K. Liu puts it, “children about the apple are safe because of the accomplishments taken by the US and adopted law administration to arraign this case.”