Bitcoin Presidential Candidate McAfee Walks Free From Detention

Bitcoin Presidential Candidate McAfee Walks Free From Detention

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin apostle and US 2025 Presidential Candidate John McAfee absolved chargeless from apprehension July 24 afterwards his arrest in the Dominican Republic

McAfee: ‘I Was Well Treated’

Writing on Twitter, McAfee’s Presidential attack administrator said that the administrator would move to an bearding location, whereupon he would amend followers. 

McAfee, his wife, and several others accept lived on a baiter and catholic about the Caribbean in contempo months, reportedly in adjustment to escape US law enforcement, by which he is capital on accuse apropos to tax evasion. 

“I accept announced with John over the buzz and can affirm their safe release,”  Rob Benedicto Pacifico Juan Maria Loggia-Ramirez wrote on Twitter. 

“They are underway to a new area but accept been affected to leave The Freedom Boat for now. John will be bold ascendancy of this annual afresh afterwards travel.”

Another tweet, acutely from McAfee himself, again read:

“Leaving apprehension (don’t adjudicator my looks – four canicule of confinement). I was able-bodied treated. My superiors were affable and helpful. In animosity of the accessible circumstances, we’ve absitively to move on.”

The accumulation reportedly encountered difficulties afterwards announcement a photo from the baiter featuring firearms. Armed armament again arrested them aloft their accession in the Dominican Republic, with McAfee spending four canicule in confinement. 

Bitcoin Exile Continues?

The contest mark the latest ball in a continued beating involving McAfee, which has included altercation over an “unhackable” Bitcoin wallet he accustomed aftermost year and added afresh a argument with proponents of altcoin Bitcoin SV.

As Bitcoinist reported, McAfee was affected to abjure claims the BitFi wallet was unbreachable afterwards a developer approved affidavit he had baffled its security. 

Bitcoin SV adherent Calvin Ayre meanwhile about called him a “moron” in April afterwards his allegations that self-proclaimed ‘creator’ of Bitcoin Craig Wright was a “fraud.”

McAfee is active on a abundantly anti-establishment belvedere in 2025, his official website advertence “freedom for the people” forms his capital priority. 

“So do not ask me about immigration, adopted relations, education, etc. I accept no idea,” it states. “Those claiming that they do are lying to themselves, or if not, they are advisedly lying to you. We charge aboriginal be free. Freedom for The People is my alone goal.”

Bitcoin donations artlessly anatomy a affection of the campaign, while added hopefuls, such as Andrew Yang, accept additionally embraced cryptocurrency as an acclamation play. 

What do you anticipate about John McAfee’s release? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images via Shutterstock, Twitter: @officialmcafee