Why Are Bitcoin and Avocado Prices Eerily Mirroring Each Other?

Why Are Bitcoin and Avocado Prices Eerily Mirroring Each Other?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Weve apparent the alternation betweenavocado and bitcoin prices afore So do Trumps new measures adjoin Mexico announce a buy arresting Looking at BitcoinAvocado demographics millennials may absolutely be the key ingredient

Avocados & Bitcoin – A Match Made In Heaven?

As tweeted by crypto-entrepreneur Jen Zhu Scott (and not for the first time), there does assume to be an actual articulation amid the prices of BTC and Avocados. But why ability that be? And what does it mean?

There will be added than 21 actor avocados eaten in the abutting hour in the United States alone. So that can’t be it. In fact, the US imports 1.7 billion pounds (over 750 actor kg) of avocados anniversary year from Mexico. Not to acknowledgment the civil volume.

Most of this is apparently burst assimilate acknowledgment and eaten by Millennials.

The Missing Link – Millennials?

So could Millennials be the accepted agency that unites Bitcoin and avocados? Certainly, their adulation of avocado acknowledgment is so allegorical that an basis was developed to appearance how abounding they would accept to skip in adjustment to save an boilerplate drop for a abode internationally. In case you were wondering, it ranges from 9 years account in Mexico City to 67 years account in London.

Are these Millennials additionally the ones blame up the bitcoin price?

Well according to the demographics of the Bitcoin association provided by CoinDance, maybe so.


57.29% of Bitcoin association assurance comes from the Millennial bracket of 18-34 years old. Also, 62.46% are application the Chrome browser, and it doesn’t get abundant added Millennial than that.

But are even Gen-Z’ers bustling out for brunch and affairs bitcoin as they munch? Or do BTC amount rises activation a added corrupt morning purchase?

Either Way, Trump’s Gunning For Your Guac!

U.S. President, Donald J Trump, announced new clearing measures (?!?) adjoin Mexico this week. Starting 10th June, there will be a 5% assessment on all imports, ascent 5% anniversary ages to ability a best of 25% on October 1st.

The U.S. purchases about 75% of its avocados from Mexico, accounting for about 75% of Mexican avocados developed annually.

Whilst it may appulse Millennial’s avocado acknowledgment purchasing power, it is absolutely acceptable account for bitcoin. As we have seen, Trump’s accidental scattergun access to address has apprenticed investors abroad from the dollar and appropriate into our hands.

Also, I can’t advice but anticipate Millennials would be bigger off affairs aloof the bitcoin anyway. You can’t pay a abode drop with avocado toast.

Are millennials active up prices of both avocado and bitcoin? Share your thoughts below!

Images via Shutterstock, Chart from Twitter:@tracyalloway, Coin.dance