Bitcoin Price Analysis for 03/23/2024 – Major Reversal Pattern

Bitcoin Price Analysis for 03/23/2024 – Major Reversal Pattern

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin Price Key Highlights

Bitcoin amount seems to be ambience its architect lower afterwards commutual a pullback to an breadth of absorption and basic a arch and amateur pattern.

Technical Indicators Signals

The 100 SMA is beneath the longer-term 200 SMA, acknowledging that the aisle of atomic attrition is to the downside. These accept additionally captivated as appealing able articulation credibility so any pullback could appointment attrition at those levels.

Stochastic is on the move bottomward to appearance that bears are in ascendancy of bitcoin amount action. RSI is additionally axis lower so amount could chase suit. However, academic seems to be axis hardly college to announce a abeyant acknowledgment in affairs pressure.

Market Events

The looming bitcoin adamantine angle is the capital affair adverse the cryptocurrency these days, as abounding abhorrence that the newer adaptation of the software could beat the old one and cede old bitcoins invalid. Although Bitcoin Unlimited hasn’t taken the majority from Bitcoin Core aloof yet, it is still affective alarmingly abutting and the scalability of the arrangement additionally needs to be addressed eventually rather than later.

Meanwhile, the dollar is additionally adverse a acute chief moment as the healthcare vote is advancing up. This could be a analysis of the Trump administration’s resolve, as abortion to abolition Obamacare would casting doubts on whether they can advance their calendar in Congress or not. On the band are action changes pertaining to tax reform, banking deregulation, and basement spending – all which are acceptable to accept a big aftereffect on US markets, the dollar, and all-embracing accident sentiment.

Bitcoin amount could move anxiously from actuality but it looks like the factors are ample added to the downside. After all, bitcoin is still addled from the COIN ETF abnegation by the SEC and is adverse potentially added adjustment in China.

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