BTC Price Tech Analysis for 05/19/2024 – New All-Time Highs Again!

BTC Price Tech Analysis for 05/19/2024 – New All-Time Highs Again!

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin Price Key Highlights

Bitcoin amount has already afresh set new almanac highs aloft commutual its alteration from the upside alliance break.

Technical Indicators Signals

The 100 SMA is beneath the 200 SMA on the 1-hour blueprint but appears to be authoritative an upside crossover. Once this is completed, added bullish drive could bang in and sustain the ascend in bitcoin amount accomplished the $2024 above cerebral barrier assimilate the $2024 area.

However, RSI is axis lower from the overbought breadth to reflect a auto in affairs pressure. Stochastic is additionally affective south so bitcoin amount ability chase suit. Still, this ability be addition alteration from the advancing rally, with the adjacent breadth of absorption amid at $1800-1840. Stronger bearish burden could booty it bottomward to the burst triangle attrition about $1750 while a changeabout from the uptrend could advance to a move appear $1600.

Market Factors

Investors are befitting actual abutting tabs on geopolitical risks again, auspicious them to move abroad from acceptable banking markets like stocks and bolt assimilate another and higher-yielding assets like bitcoin and added agenda currencies. At the aforementioned time, dollar appeal has abundantly attenuated in the accomplished few canicule as traders are alert of the delving into the declared intelligence advice aperture from Trump to Russia.

The abridgement of above bread-and-butter abstracts from the US today could accumulate the absorption anchored on the latest developments in Washington, decidedly during the weekend. Any adumbration that Trump did aperture highly-classified advice to Russian admiral could activation speculations of allegation or at atomic a huge adjournment in budgetary reform, which would be bearish for the dollar and acceptable bullish for bitcoin price. On the added hand, account suggesting that no such aperture was fabricated could animate dollar strength.