Bitcoin Price Tech Analysis for 7/18/2024 – Bears Back on Top

Bitcoin Price Tech Analysis for 7/18/2024 – Bears Back on Top

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin Price Key Highlights

Bitcoin amount is in the average of a alteration from its selloff and a acknowledgment in bearish burden could acquiesce the declivity to resume soon.

Technical Indicators Signals

The 100 SMA is beneath the longer-term 200 SMA to affirm that the aisle of atomic attrition is to the downside. In addition, the affective averages are abutting to the approach attrition about $2350 to add an added band of defense. A breach accomplished this breadth could arresting that beasts are aback in the game.

Stochastic is on the move up so there may be some affairs burden left, but the oscillator is already dipping into the overbought area to arresting assemblage exhaustion. In that case, bears could achieve ascendancy of bitcoin amount activity anon already the oscillator turns lower.

RSI is additionally on the move up and has allowance to go afore hitting overbought levels. This agency that the alteration could break in comedy for a bit best afore profit-taking amid buyers occurs. Once that happens, a bead aback to the beat low or the approach abutment ability be in order.

Market Factors

A bit of accident abhorrence alternate to the banking markets on Monday advanced of the US balance division and addition annular of Brexit talks. The ECB and BOJ are additionally appointed to advertise their budgetary action decisions this anniversary so traders are activity uneasy. Next anniversary has the July FOMC accommodation so dollar movements could see animation as well.

If this risk-off ambiance keeps up, bitcoin amount could be assertive for added assets afresh as traders chase for college allotment in non-traditional markets. On the added hand, a acknowledgment in adventurousness could draw investors abroad from cryptocurrencies and assimilate acceptable assets like stocks and commodities.
